Han - Pick Me or We're Over!

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Request from scorpihoooe on Tumblr. Could you make a fic where the reader and Han are arguing about his “womanizing” ways and Han angrily proposes to her to prove his point (if that makes sense lol) then they both get all soft and fluffy and yeah ☺️

"Y/n, wait. Come on stop and have a conversation with me for one second." Han followed me into the Falcon but I spun around on my boots throwing my hands up really angry at him. "I don't want to talk to you anymore, Han. And honestly you're just waiting until you get bored with me and move onto the next girl!" He raised his hands in front of him wanting me to stop shouting at him. "Woah when did this become a fight. And what do you mean until I get bored with you?" Throwing my head back I slumped into the pilot seat resting my chin in the pas of my hands glaring up at my boyfriend. "You're a playboy Han. Don't think I'm so stupid to not see it. You know it about yourself too!"

He dropped his arms to his sides sighing heavily because he knew you were right. You had met him and Chewie a few years ago instantly falling for his charm. But you weren't the only girl in the galaxy that wanted him. "That's not true. Okay I mean, yes I was like that in the past. But I've changed  - things are different now because of you." Crossing my arms over my chest Iean back in the chair scoffing. "Prove it, playboy pilot." Han runs his hands through his hair making it a mess until he suddenly dropped down on one knee right in front of me. He reaches into his pocket revealing a small box. "I love you darn woman. I everything about you, Y/n. I love that you take risks just like me and you have a big heart. So quite shouting at me like I am sleeping with tons of other women because I'm not. There's only you, so will you marry me?" He blurted out revealing a simple silver band wedding ring inside the tiny box.

"Han you better not be toying with me right now. I'm being serious it's either me or we're over for good." I asked still not believing that he was asking for my hand in marriage. Han gets to his feet sitting the box on the table cupping my face in his hands. "I choose you. I'll always choose you, Y/n." He crashed his lips onto mine in a split second making me gasp. Running my hands up the sides of his leather jacket they ended up around his neck deepening the kiss. I'm not sure how long we made out but it must have been long because when we broke for air we were both panting like crazy. "So is that a yes or am I still a playboy hmm?" He teased where I shoved his chest a little handing him the ring. "Yes I'll marry you, just don't be an idiot husband." He slipped the ring on giving me another long kiss.

Comments really appreciated

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