The Perfect Father

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Request from tyrionsprincess30 on Tumblr. I was wounding if you could do a oib wan short where y/n was watching obi wan teach little kids and later she tells him shes pregnant.

Leaning against the wall I crossed my arms across my chest taking in the recent Younglings lesson, because Obi-wan is their teacher today. Master Yoda usually gave the lessons but he wasn't feeling so good this morning. So Obi-wan offered to take his place. "Flitter out all distractions. The Force should be your only focus." He explained with his arms crossed over his chest, slowly walking around as the Younglings each are trying to dodge blasts from a flying Droid with their eyes covered. I smiled tucking hair behind my ear at the way he is so good with children. It makes me sad that we can't have them, correction we shouldn't have them..but in fact he will be called father in a few months.

"Master Kenobi, Master Y/n is staring at you." A youngling by the name or Jack pointed his finger my direction interrupting the lesson. Obi-Wan's gaze locked onto mine and he slowly moved through the children saying. "No lightsaber practice until I get back understand." All the younglings nodded closing their weapons as we entered the hallway. Once we're in the hall he takes my hands in his so I'll quite playing with my fingers, a nervous habit only he ever notices thankfully. "What's wrong, darling. Please tell me so I can try and fix it." I smiled bending my head down blushing lightly. I really got lucky falling in love with him. He's a brave Jedi knight and deeply cares about everyone's safety. "Something's happened, Obi...I'm pregnant...and it's indeed yours."

Obi-wan had frozen up once the words left your mouth. The confidence he usually had gone in an instant by those few words. Closing my eyes shut I removed my hands from his terrified what he will say. But before I can get far away he grabs my wrist twirling me into his chest pressing his lips against mine grinning into the kiss. I pulled away instead of kissing him back completely baffled that he kissed me. "You - you're not mad?" I blurted out earning a chuckle from him as his freehand came down to rest on my stomach. "Why would I be angry about having a child with you, Y/n...I love you after all." I grip his robe in my hands feeling nervous in my gut. "What about the council, the Order?" He rests a hand to my cheek tucking hair behind my ear. Obi-wan was worried like you but hearing he was going to be a father overlooked his fear. "We'll figure it out. I'll go wherever this child leads you and I." I throw my arms around his neck sighing in relief when he wrapped his arms around me.

Comments really appreciated :)

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