(Obi) Kiss Training

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. HELLO!! Did I ever tell you that I love your fics? No?? Then I'm telling you now!!❤❤ Okey, okey...What about flirty Obi-wan who loves teasing reader? Like they are training and Obi gets closer to her almost kissing her and then pulled away to tease her. But at the end she finally kissed him making him all red and flustred🥰😩

"You're improving more than last time." Obi-wan spoke pushing me backwards when our lightsabers clashed against each other. He had asked me after the council meeting if I wanted to train with him earlier the next morning and I happily agreed. Spinning on my feet I nearly hit him but he ducks underneath my arm hitting my lightsaber out of my hands. Reaching out with my right hand I almost used the Force to grab it again but it flies past my head and into his freehand. "Give it back, Kenobi." Holding out my opened hand he smirks getting up close where we almost looked like we were about to kiss. "I'd rather have you chase me around. It's cute when you think you can keep up with me." He teased jumping up into the air through the Force. Stomping my foot on the ground I followed after him slightly annoyed. This isn't the first time he teases me into a chase, because he knows that I'm too stubborn to refuse a challenge.

Doing a backflip off a window I used the force drawing his weapon from his belt instead landing flat on my feet sticking my tongue out. He dropped down in front of me where we started fighting once again. He does his twirl trick but I managed to hit his weapon with my own. Our weapons are pressed towards the ground where our faces are inches from each other. Sucking in a breath I try to remain calm since I've never been this close to him in my life. When he had returned to the temple with an older Anakin as his padawan I started seeing him differently, as a crush I believe you call it. "I must say darling if you wanted our training to end this way. All you had to do was ask, for a kiss." He teased with a cocky smile starting to lean forward where I thought he was about to kiss. Sadly though he pulled away making me turn as red as a tomato by what he just pulled over on me.

"All of the -" I started to curse under my breath watching him walk away whistling while just twirling the lightsaber in his hands. Closing his lightsaber I throw my hands out using the force and grabbing his belt yanking him backwards to me. In the process he haf spun around looking down at me, blue eyes clear with shock and awe. He closes my lightsaber letting it drop to the floor when I grabbed the collar of his tunic crashing my lips onto his. Obi-Wan's mind went blank while he cups my face in his hands enjoying this moment too much. "Don't start a teasing war you don't intend to finish with a kiss, Obi-wan." Yet I removed my lips from his smirking and picking my lightsaber off the floor, clipping it back onto my belt just when Anakin enters the hall. "Master, why is your face red. Was it something to do with Master Y/n?" Obi-wan run a hand through his hair trying to stop the blush rising to his cheeks becoming a stuttering mess. "Yes my padawan  - I mean no - she just  - left me with a teasing kiss." Anakin glanced back giving me a thumbs up while I lean against the piller in the hallway still smirking.

Comments really appreciated:)

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