Obi - I Was Right!!

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. Can I request Obi-wan and reader have a sweet moment alone and then Anakin walks in? He wasn't sure about them being together, just theories, but now he was 100% sure. Love you, Bella!!❤🫂.

Covering my mouth with my freehand I struggled to not start giggling like crazy with Obi-Wan' tugging me through the halls of the Jedi Temple after we finished training some younglings. He opened the door to his room where I rushed inside closing it quickly behind him. He leans down kissing me slowly where I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back. "I felt like the class today couldn't go fast enough. I've been dying to kiss you all day darling." He mumbled into the kiss until I broke it removing my jedi robe and he did the same leading me to lay down on his bed cuddling into his warm embrace. "I felt the same Obi-wan. But we're alone now so that's all that matters." Leaning up I pressed my lips to his slowly.

He smiled rolling onto his back running his fingers through my loose hair deepening the kiss. Resting my hands against his chest I smiled into the kiss. Obi-wan and I had started secretly dating a few weeks after he returned to the temple to protect Padme with Anakin Skywalker. Foosteps apparently entered the room but we were too caught up in the kiss until I heard Anakin's voice call out. "Oh my God. I was right  - I was right this whole time!" Obi-wan and I suddenly broke apart seeing Anakin standing in the doorway of the room shock written on his face. Covering my face with a pillow I couldn't stop myself from blushing that we had accidentally nit locked the door very well like we normally did. "Anakin, how do you know about the two of us?"

"At first I wasn't sure. I just thought that you two were friends. But then you can see it when you two share glances across the room and all that." He rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile towards us. Lifting the pillow up so I could see his face I shake my head trying to not blush anymore. Obi-wan shifted to sit up against the pillows running a hand through his hair then to his beard knowing what trouble we would be in if the council found out. "Anakin I need you to promise that you won't say anything. Y/n and I haven't exactly figured out what we will do if people know." He nodded before I lay my head on Obi-Wan's chest where he kissed my forehead. "Thank you Ani." He smiled throwing his hands up in victory leaving the room and closing the door. "I was right!"

Comments really appreciated

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