(Obi-wan) Changing Jedi Order

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Request from groovy-lady on Tumblr. Obi-Wan Kenobi and fem!Reader (who is also a Jedi) finally get married and the Jedi Order is surprisingly okay with it.

I feel like I'm about to puke from how nervous I am. I have broken the law - the code of the Jedi. The code that says you are forbidden to have any attachments, especially romantic ones at that. Obi-wan grabs my hand in his right spinning the wedding ring I wear on my left now. Two Jedi masters on the council are married. The council must be frowning upon us at the bad example we're setting for the padawan's and younglings in the Temple. The doors started to open where he whispered down to me with a kiss to my forehead. "I love you no matter what they say." Lifting my head up I stared into his blue eyes mumbling back when the doors fully opened. "I love you too." Entering the room I see my master, Yoda and Master Windu all gazes trained on us.

"Bend a knee Kenobi and L/n." Windu instructed pointing to the floor so I slowly bend down on my right knee. Obi-wan followed behind me never breaking eye contact with them. We haven't even been married twenty-four hours and they already suspected us. "Master Yoda, I understand if you're angry. But don't take it out on Obi-wan. Just take it out on me." I begged with pleading eyes to my master. He sits still in his chair raising his index finger at me. "Angry with you padawan, I am not. Judgements of your marriage to Master Kenobi the council will discuss." Sucking a lump in my throat my gaze shifted to my newlywed husband. Obi-wan tried to keep his nerves down but I can clearly see right through his tough demeanor.

Master Windu and Yoda turned to watch the other before rising to their feet. "Obi-wan and Y/n Kenobi, the councils judgment is that...you may remain in the Jedi Order and stay married." I nearly fell over in disbelief at those words. I never imagined that they would allow us to stay. I thought they'd make us give up our lightsabers forever. "Thank you, Masters." Obi-wan immediately responded with a bow before I run up hugging my Master without a thought. He slowly hugs back giving a smile back to me. Once I broke the hug Obi-wan picked me up and twirling me in circles of laughter. I grinned getting set on my feet resting my hands on his forearms. "I love you, Obi-wan." He wrapped his left arm around my waist tugging me closer to his embrace. His other hand resting to my cheek finally pressing his lips onto mine. "I love you too, Y/n Kenobi."

"Master Yoda, we're going out for a little while." I spoke tugging my husband out into the hallway grinning. Master Yoda looked to Master Windu resting his hands on his cane. "Powerful their children will be. Time to change the Order it seems." Windu nodded in agreement exiting the room. Obi-wan suddenly picked me up over his shoulder making me squeal uncontrollably. "Obi-wan, put me down!" He chuckled sitting me on my feet intertwining our hands together. He tugs me outside onto the balcony where the sun is just starting to set in the distance. "So I have been thinking about something darling. How many kids would you want?" I snorted accidentally draping my arms around his neck, climbing on his lap when he sits down. "Hmm not sure. Two maybe three. All I care about is getting to see a mini Obi-wan in the future. What about you?" He nuzzles his face into my hair beard ticking me a little. "It doesn't matter. So long as I get to keep being a Jedi and hold you just like this everyday." I press my lips to his laying my head on his chest, watching the sunset smiling like a child.

Comments really appreciated :)

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