I'm Always Here

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Request from shangchiswife on Tumblr. hi i'm not sure if you're still accepting requests but a fic where obi-wan breaks down crying in the middle of the night and reader comforts him!! thank you!!

I get rolled a little getting moved from my past state which was laying with my head on Obi-Wan's chest as we layed peaceful night of sleep on the dessert planet. He runs his fingers through messy hair. Chest heaving up and down where he appears to almost be having a heart attack. Sitting up in the bed I moved the covers away gently grabbing a hold of him shoulders. "Obi, hey. Hey breath just breath for me." I instructed in a calm tone but he doesn't look at me. His tear filled eyes are focused on the wall in front of him. This isn't the first time I've seen him like this and it probably won't be the last. I've had my share of nightmares too of Order 66 so I know his agony. "I - I killed him Y/n - killed Anakin.." He spoke in a shacky breath starting to shake under my touch.

"Obi - Obi-wan - look at me please." I begged feeling some tears fall down my face too. I can feel his suffering through the Force and it hurts my heart. Wrapping my arms around him he buried his face into my chest started to cry. "He killed them - he - the younglings and it  - it was my fault. I couldn't see - he was turning dark!" Cupping his face in my hands I make him finally look me in the eye and I instantly just want to crush him a warm hug. His shirt is stained with tears and his blue eyes are losing the hopeful glow that they used to have years ago. He blamed the fall of the Jedi Order on himself. All because his padawan was the one to start the attacks. "I felt they're pain - they were all alone Y/n!" He started bawling into tears so I planted kisses to his head pulling him into a comfortable hug once again.

Obi-wan clutched the fabric of my tunic shirt. Laying my head ontop of his I lift my right hand combing my fingers loosely through his auburn hair. "Sssh Obi-wan. This isn't your fault. Okay, please don't blame yourself." He mumbled something into my shirt I can't understand so I just keep talking hoping to calm his racing nightmares in his mind. A couple hours later I managed to get him to lay back down underneath the covers. He rests his head on my chest where his breath slows to a calming tone. Fluttering my eyes closed I went to sleep myself mumbling in his ear. "I'm here, Obi-wan...I'm always here."

Comments really appreciated

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