You Call, Darling I'll Answer

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. What about jumpy dancing in the rain with Obi-wan? Reader had a bad day and he is there to cheer her up😊😍

Obi wan was standing watch on a balcony of the Jedi Temple. The sun was setting and he could hear thunder in the distance meaning it was going to rain soon. Foosteps came around causing him to draw his lightsaber ready to fight until he locked eyes your broken state. Your robe was tousled around and he could see tiredness in your eyes. He closes his weapon clipping it back onto his belt opening his arms that I immediately ran to sobbing uncontrollably. He wrapped his arms around my form resting his chin ontop of my head hating to see me upset. The younglings I was teaching today just refused to lisen and I had to say good-bye to my padawan today and send them on their first mission on their own. "What can I do to make you feel better sweetheart. I hate seeing you cry." He whispered tilting my chin up with his thumb with a weak gaze.

He wiped away my tears with his thumbs while I clutched the fabric of his robe in my hands feeling some light raindrops hit the tip of my nose. He started to tug me inside but I grabbed his forearm holding him in his place. "Dance with me Obi-wan." He stepped up taking my hands in his with a concerned smile on his face. "We could catch a cold out here Y/n." Shrugging my shoulders I started twirling around taking him with me since he still had our hands together. The rain starts picking up making our boots squeak on the ground but I smiled seeing Obi-wan twirl me underneath his arm. I squeeze his hand holding mine suddenly jumping around with my hands in the air like we were at a concert or something. Surprisingly he actually joined in his brown robe getting thrown around until I slipped in a puddle screaming. "Obi-wan!"

Quickly he snagged my wrist wrapping his other arm around my waist before I could hit the ground. My hands death gripping the front of his shirt when our eyes locked onto each other. He releases a gasp he was holding while the rain picked up even more soaking us from head to toe but I couldn't care. The only thing that matters is that Obi-wan and I are here together. "I can't believe you just saved me. I guess you were right it's not a good idea to dance in the rain." Obi-wan helps me stand so we got inside the dry indoors of his quarters before he said a reply back to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me softly where I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck. "You don't have to worry. You call darling and I'll answer. Always and forever." I grinned leaning up on my toes kissing him once more. He broke the kiss resting his forehead onto mine where we got changed out of our wet clothes climbing in his warm bed falling asleep with smiles on our faces.

Comments really appreciated

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