I'll Keep You Warm

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. What about Obi-wan with reader who is always cold? Love ya!!😚❤

My body shivers even standing in the sunlight coming from the window in my boyfriend's bedroom waiting for him to come from a meeting. The door opened where I wrapped my robe tightly around me. Wanting to get warm. Growing up with my brother Anakin on the hot dessert planet I could never get warm for some reason. "What's wrong, Y/n?" Obi-wan asked removing his robe right at the door letting it fall to the floor slowly. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest. My shoulders slumping as I felt the warmth coming from him. "I was cold...until you came here Obi-wan." He kisses my forehead gently with a smile.

Obi-wan pulled me over towards the bed moving the covers aside gently sitting me down. He pulled off my boots helping me lay underneath the covers. He came over to the other side ditching his own climbing into the bed with me. Rolling over to face him I cuddled up into his embrace. "Have you tried eating anything warm today or go walking outside in the sun?" He asked playing with strands of my hair that were loose from my padawan braid. Shaking my head no I scoffed feeling a chill run down my spine. "I've already tried and they didn't work. It's just frustrating since I literally grew up on the warmest planet in the galaxy." He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close to his embrace not minding to be this close to you.

"You're the best boyfriend in the world you know that." I teased with a smile already feeling better because of him. Obi-wan is always the best at taking care of people, especially when it comes to teaching younglings. "Well thank you darling. I am glad to be your personal heater." Leaning up I kissed him softly lifting my freehand up to run through his hair. He smiled into the kiss deepening it when he cups my face in his freehand. Finally we broke for air cuddling up against the other. "I love you, Y/n." He mumbled into my hair when I hummed back into his warm embrace. "I love you too, Obi-wan."

Comments really appreciated

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