Darling Cheer-Up

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. Hello!❤ I'm really tired and down lately. I was wondering if I could request some Obi-wan x reader where reader had a really bad and tiring week or few days and Obi comforts her

Flopping my back onto the bed of my secret boyfriend's room I strech my arms and legs out feeling ashuasted from training younglings all day. I have been teaching classes all week not leaving much down time for myself afterwards. Don't get me wrong I like helping these kids to become padawan's and then in the end as great Jedi. But I wish my group of kids wouldn't act so recklessly with their lightsabers like they are a toy. The door opened where he entered discarding his robe at the door. He stops taking his boots off noticing me and giving a weak smile. "What's troubling, darling. You seem tired. Have you slept at all this week?" He asked coming to sit at the foot of the bed moving hair out of my face. Holding myself up on my elbows I blink my eyes a couple times struggling to keep myself awake. "I haven't really slept at all. I've been teaching most of the week. But I can't rest I'm supposed to attend a meeting with Master Yoda later tonight."

"Well you need to rest, Y/n. So I'm going to inform Master Yoda that you're taking some time to get your strengths back." He said starting to help me take my robe off my shoulders where I started to whine in disagreement. "Obi-wan, I'm fine. I can still go to the meeting-" He untid my boots tossing them out and carrying me to lay me down on the pillows. I try as I might to not give into the comfort of the pillows and how much my body is in need of sleep. I nearly sat up to force myself up but he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his embrace. "Sssh Y/n. Just close your eyes and get some rest. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you because your too tired." He whispered kissing my hair softly. Giving him a loving smile I lay my head in the crook of his neck. He rests his chin ontop of my head feeling my hands playing with the fabric of his tunic closing my eyes but not yet going to sleep.

Obi-wan had been in this same situation himself when training Anakin as a child and I was there secretly in the shadow when he needed me. Obi-wan played with my hair being able to feel my mind calming down through the Force. "I just wish I could help the kids learn quickly. Like they could just learn like you and I did when we were padawan's." I mumbled under my breath through a long yawn. Obi-wan tilts my chin up to his making me open my eyes seeing him starting to get tired as well. "They will learn in time. We can't rush it. All we can do is teach them. But you're job right now is to sleep dear." Fully closing my eyes I lay my head on his chest draping an arm him. He snuggled in closer to me closing his eyes for a nap himself until he would have to train Anakin tomorrow morning.

Comments really appreciated

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