(Han) The Perfect Co-Piolt

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Request from Rebelmicheleamidala Han Solo sees the reader's scars from a past battle and he kisses them when she is insecure about them.

Sitting in the pilot seat of the Millennium Falcon waiting for my boyfriend and his wookie friend to return from making a deal with a princess and a boy from the sand planet. Moving my shirt up my eyes were focused on the scars that I had gotten from fighting when the Jedi were still the protectors of peace in the galaxy. Even though Han didn't understand anything involving the Force of why I carried around a lightsaber instead of a blaster we still fell in love with one another. "Hey princess, how have you been enjoying your time in the ship or did you miss me too much - hey what are you crying for?" Speaking of Han I could hear his boots hitting the metal floor before I saw him enter the cockpit. He paused seeing that I had some tears slipping out.

"Oh its nothing. How was the run did you guys get anything good?" I avoided the question where he leans down putting his arms on either side of me trapping me in the chair where our noses were hitting each other. "Y/n, don't lie to me. Now be serious what are you crying?" His eyes scanned over my body noticing that I had pulled the sleeve down revealing my arm. I had two long scars on my right arm and one on the left side of my stomach. But since Han and I haven't been fully physical he has never seen me without my clothes on. "Where did you get these scars from exactly. You've never told me about them." Lifting my gaze up to his deep blue eyes I wiped away some tears finally admiting it softly feeling embarrassed lightly blushing. "I never told you because I was afraid that you wouldn't care about me anymore once you saw my scars from serving as a jedi."

I attempted to move underneath his arms and I actually did manage until he snagged my wrist spinning me back into his chest pressing his lips onto mine gently. "I still love you whether you have scars or not. Do you know why princess because they make you look like a badass. Now can I kiss them if you don't mind?" He asked with a smirk on his face gently wrapping his arms around my waist tugging me closer. "Han babe, you don't have to do that. It's really just nice that you still care about me." He makes me smile feeling him slowly pull my shirt over my head leaning down kissing the scars on my shoulders and the one on my stomach until I tugged on his hair drawing him to kiss me on the lips again. Wrapping my arms around his neck he picked me up making me giggle. "Han, what are you doing?" He carried me into his room gently throwing me down onto the bed kissing my scars once more. "Making sure you know that you are the best co-piolt that I could ever ask for Y/n."

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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