(Cassian) He'll Always Rescue Me

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Request from reiya-djarin on Tumblr. Hi! Could you do a Cassian x reader please? Something where reader is taken and Cassian rescues her and a crap ton of fluff ensues? Thank you ☺️

Stormtroopers shoved me down into the muddy ground where I grunted on impact. I was sent by the Rebellion to gather information about the weapon system the Empire was working on. It's supposed to be a space station with the power to blow up entire planets with one shot. But stormtroopers managed to capture me before I could get back to the ship with my boyfriend Cassian. "Tell us where the rebels base, is rebel scum." A stormtrooper demanded as a gun is aimed straight at my head. I croaked out lifting myself up on my hands. "I'll tell you...it's." The stormtrooper leans down but I spit in his face where he hits me in the head with the end of his gun.

"Why you little - oh!" The stormtrooper falls to the ground getting shot in the back by a red bullet from a blaster. Searching around me the other two stormtroopers aimed their weapons around frantically until one gets shot right after the other. One of them fell right by me so I crawl on my knees grabbing the handcuffs key off his belt. Struggling but finally managing to unlock the cuffs from around my wrists. "Y/n!" Someone called my name running quickly where they threw up some rocks when they stopped in front of me. "Who are you?" I asked reaching for the gun in my holster. The figure pulled down their hood revealing the face of my boyfriend, Cassian Andor. I smiled jumping to my feet hugging him and he hugs me back when I mumbled into the fur hoodie. "Thank you...I thought they we're going to kill me."

Cassian buried his face in my hair taking in the moment of you still in his arms. The general had told him to stay on the ship. That only one of you needed to go and you volunteered without a second to waste. "I should have just followed you in the first place. It's a good thing I decided to disobey orders this time." He spoke slightly pulling away from the hug, enough where he could still keep his hands on my waist. Resting my hands on his shoulders I sighed shaking my head. "Ever since you've met you haven't followed a single order. Someday the council may think I'm a bad influence on you, Captain Andor." He started walking back towards the ship, an arm draped over my shoulder. Both our freehands on the guns attached to our hips. "Oh I'd never let them say that about you, Y/n. You're my right hand gal after all. Wherever you go, I will too."

Comments really appreciated :)

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