Loss for Words around Her

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Request from meshlasolus on Tumblr. How about reader being very outgoing and talks a lot, and even though he's usually the same way, he gets all quiet and shy around her bc he likes her?? idk maybe its boring but bonus points if she's a jedi.

Order 66 had changed the old Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi now known as Ben Kenobi. He used to be very outgoing with everyone but now he didn't know who to trust. That's until he saw you enter the bar on Tatooine. Your robe was torn a little as you sat in a booth sipping a blue alcoholic drink. Your eyes trained around the room clearly on edge just as he was. Being a Jedi now would cost you your life if the Empire found you. Obi-wan slowly picking up his drink asking with his other arm sticking out. "This seat taken?" He watched you shake your head no taking the seat, your (e/c) eyes never not looking at him. "So I see you decided to keep that beard of yours, hmm." You suddenly spoke towards him but he shakes his head still frozen in his place by being around you years later.

Eyeing Obi-wan he just nodded his head slowly yes as a response. I raised my drink to my lips chuckling at the once outgoing Jedi Master. During the time of the Jedi order I noticed he would always get nervous only around me. A Jedi I might have been but stupid I most certainly was not. "If I'm being honest you with a beard always looked better. Makes you more handsome, Ben." I rest my chin in the palm of my hand getting enjoyment of making him blush. His blue eyes dropped to the floor muttering out in a stuttering mess. "Y/n - I can't believe  - you're alive - I missed you." When the clones turned on us I decided to cut my hair shorter so you couldn't see it past the hood of my robe. And like most Jedi they gave up carrying their weapon on them. But I hide it underneath my robe always on high alert for stormtroopers or Inquizusters.

"Let's get out of here. I have a two person vehicle outside. We can go to my place." I jump up out of the booth offering him one of my gloved hands that he slowly placed his hand in. He stands where I'm slightly shorter than him when we were aren't sitting down. I drop some money on the table pulling the love struck Kenobi outside into the morning sunlight. Climbing on the speeder Obi-wan lightly puts his arms around my waist making me chuckle over my shoulder. "I'd hold on tight, Obi-wan. I like to go fast." I moved the controls fast and he cursed wrapping his arms around my waist making me chuckle again. Once we're inside my house we both pulled down the hood of our robes. Obi-wan slowly walked up twisting some of my short hair between his fingers still stuttering. "Y/n, I uh - I've had feelings for you - for awhile. I understand if you don't feel the same-" I don't give him the chance to finish his thoughts once I crashed my lips onto his. He stumbled backwards a little wrapping his arms around my waist to steady us both. He slowly kissed back until I broke the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck seeing we're sharing the same smile. "I love you too, Obi-wan Kenobi. A part of me always knew you had a crush on me." He rests his forehead against mine whispering. "I'll spend the rest of our lives showing you how much I love you, Y/n L/n."

Comments really appreciated :)

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