Everything I Need Is In You

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Would love an Obi Wan x reader where maybe she's pregnant (or some family aspect) and is in danger or something?? Just would like a protective obi wan/ family angst, lol.. thanks.

"Stay away from me, Obi. I know when I am not wanted now that I am carrying your child in my belly!" I shouted back stomping through his small flat of his house in the desert of Tattoine. We have been together for almost ten years since the jedi order had fallen and the empire took over the galaxy. He runs after me until we ended up outside gently managing to grab my wrist spinning me around where I was facing him. "Y/n, wait. I'm sorry that I shouted at you. I...it's just I am not used to needing to look out for someone I care about. It's been ten years since I have really given my heart to anyone." His blue eyes had some tears slipping down his telling me he was actually serious about this.

Obi-wan and I had met at the small bar when he first landed on this planet. I could read that he was completely broken from the man he used to be. I was friends with some of the other jedi that were killed so I could relate to what he was feeling. That is what brought us together - both searching for something new in our lives. "Obi-Wan I don't understand. How can you say you don't want the baby one second and then another you are acting like you have to?" Shaking my head at him I was more confused than ever. He moved his hand from my wrist to cradle my cheek and I leaned into his palm. "Because I feel this need to protect you and this child. I didn't do a good job with that ten years ago...so I don't want to mess it up. Cause I enjoy you and me together as a team."

"Then we can be scared of the unknown together, Kenobi. You, me and this child of ours. We can make it through this life on this desert plan better than it has been..plus I always believed that you would be a good father after the way you would be around the younglings." He wrapped his arms around me gently where I clutched the fabric of his old robes he wore. He kisses my hair on the crown of my head pulling me back inside the small house since we knew the sand people were dangerous. We both laid back down in the bed listening to the others heartbeat and the sound of the sandy wind outside the windows until I felt Obi shift and reach for something from the table beside the bed. "Y/n, I know this might be sudden but I do care about you a lot. Yet if you will have me will you become my wife?" He shows me a sliver ring that had a tiny star engraved on it. Leaning forward I kissed him letting him slip the ring on my hand. "Yes, I will gladly become Mrs. Kenobi." He smiled kissing me running his freehand through my loose hair.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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