Han - Jealous of a Princess

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Request from galaxyfxcs on Tumblr. Han solo request: What about Han solo x jealous! Reader?? Maybe of leia but not like hateful because I love Leia. Jealous but like insecurity u know.

My boyfriend Han bickers with Princess Leia in the hallway of a snow cave that the rebels base was currently hiding in from the Empire. Crossing my arms over my chest I pull my brown winter coat closer around myself for warmth. Biting my lip I grumbled under my breath something about him and her talking all the time. Normally I don't get jealous when he talks with girls at the bars to get credits for Jaba the hut. But there's something between them. I can feel it deep down and I regret that I feel this way. "Hey doll, sorry I've been trying to shake the Princess all day. But now I'm here." Han entered the Falcon laying down in the same cot alongside me. Turning my head his direction I cross my arms behind my head avoiding his gaze which he noticed immediately.

"Hey, are you alright. You've not said anything since I came in the room. What's wrong?" He asked trying to turn me over since I had my back facing him. Glancing up into his eyes he finally managed to make me face him where I let some tears show. "It's silly, Han. Let's just not talk about it. You know actually I think Chewie called for my help." Throwing my legs over the cot I try to get up but he tugged my arm drawing me backwards. His eyes locked onto mine trying to figure out what was upsetting me. "Y/n you can talk to me about anything. You know that right?" Slowly nodding my head I run my hands down my face groaning with a sigh just blurring it out. "I'm jealous of Leia and you spending so much time together. Gosh it's so embarrassing."

Han moves my chin with his freehand holding himself up with his other elbow. He leans forward pressing his lips onto mine running his fingers through my hair until he broke it for air. "You don't have any reason to be jealous Y/n. Leia just wants me around because I'm a good pilot, that's all it is." Shaking my head I sit up on the cot and he sits up too intertwining my hand with his own. He moves my hair behind my ear whispering. "Y/n, look at me. You're a princess in my eyes. Leia will never be anything like you." Squeezing my hand holding mine I asked lightly blushing at his words. "Do you really mean that, Solo?" He tilts my chin up kissing me a little deeper teasingly. "I gotta say you bring jealous is a little hot." Smacking my hands against his chest he chuckled falling back on the cot as I flushed red even more than earlier. "You're unbelievable Captain Solo." He wrapped his arms around my waist smiling. "But you still love me Y/n L/n."

Comments really appreciated

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