You're Hairs So Soft

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Request from klarex Tumblr HELLO!! It's been a while, huh? Well... Can I request a first time when reader played with Obi-wan's hair? Love you!❤❤❤

The door to my quarters opened making me close the book I waa reading to see my secret affair lover Obi-Wan enter the room. We had been seeing each other since he had returned from his training of young Anakin Skywalker. It was hard to not fall in love with his charms and especially his hair. He removed his robes dropping them on the floor slumping his shoulders before I climbed from the bed grabbing his hands in mine. "Obi-Wan I can see something has upset you. So please tell me what happened?" His blue eyes locked onto mine where I tugged him to lay on my bed. His shoulders slumped while he collapsed onto the bed completely exhausted from training. "It's just been a long day, darling. Nothing to worry your head about."

Climbing into the bed beside him we intertwined our hands together focusing our gaze directly onto one another. He has always been busier than me even though I was a Jedi master too I hadn't taken on a Palawan yet. Plus I didn't have to attend so many council meetings than the others. Moving my right hand up his chest my fingers ending up in auburn hair twisting it between my fingers. "Ooohh Y/n. You're making me get sleeper by doing that." I pulled back blushing a little embarrassed that he might not like it. "Sorry Obi it's just - you're hair is so soft. I couldn't resist playing with it." I apologized towards the Jedi knight until he moved his freehand up tucking some of mine behind my ear and running his fingers through it hearing me sigh in relief at the feeling.

"Seeing as you like it my darling I guess it can't hurt if I miss a meeting for one day. I'll just tell them I wasn't feeling well. "He explained laying his head in my lap once I shifted to sit up more against the pillows of my bed. He nuzzled his head into my embrace wrapping his arms around my waist closing his eyes letting me play with his locks. Obi-Wan let himself fall asleep in my embrace and it makes me smile to see him so relaxed outside of his daily stressful life. A few hours my eyes started to get heavy so I shifted underneath the covers seeing that he was almost asleep. Wrapping my arms around his waist he does the same even though he was half asleep. "I love you Obi-Wan. Always will." He almost snored out a reply making me giggle through a yawn. ""

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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