Obi - If We Were Stars

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Request from klarex Tumblr. Hello! It's me again!❤ I think you know why I'm writing this😏 Maybe Obi-wan with a reader that find galaxy really beautiful and knows a bit about it?

Attachment was forbidden for a jedi Obi-wan told his girlfriend who he had been seeing for almost a year secretly. He chuckled when she said that if they were stars in the galaxy it wouldn't matter. Rushing through my small house outside the jedi temple a few blocks away I smiled flinging my arms around his neck letting my body relax into his comfortable hug. He kisses my forehead before I whispered up into his blue eyes. "Hello my Orion. How was your day?" He smiled even though he was a jedi he didn't have time to memorize the Constellations like I do. He squeezes my hands in his shaking his head at me. "Let's not focus on that. The only thing that matters is being with you. So what shall you teach me tonight?"

"What do you know about the galaxy, Obi-wan?" I asked with a smirk on my face. Recently I have been reading books about all the different Galaxies around us. Mostly because everytime my boyfriend would go and come back on a mission I wanted to make sure he was safe. Even though he's a Jedi I knew he could take care of himself deep down I still worried. "Probably not as much as you, my Cassiopeia...did I say that right Y/n?" I chuckled through a huge grin tugging him up the stairs off my place. When we reached the roof I smiled taking a seat on a blanket seeing him lay down beside me. Wrapping his arms around my waist with my head laying in the crook of his neck. "Tell me about the stars, darling. I want to know what's running around in that brain of yours." He hummed seeing my eyes brighten at his suggestion.

Shifting to get more comfortable I pointed up to the sky as he listened closely even if I might ramble on sometimes. He could lisen to me fir hours since it brought him to peace from the stressful work he had. "You see that one that looks like it's a bucket with a handle. That's called the big dipper." Obi-wan nodded where our eyes locked onto each resting our foreheads together. "So which one is the star that you said I should call you, love. The Cassiopeia one?" Running my fingers through his auburn hair he sighed in relief enjoying everytime I did it. "That one is where five stars are in a line connected together." He smiled turning my chin so I was looking into his blue eyes longingly as he leans forward kissing me. I smile into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. "I must say my dear. I adore the group of stars that led me to you. I love you, Y/n." He breaks the kiss moving some hair behind my ear. "I love you too, Obi-wan Kenobi."

Comments really appreciated

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