Cuddling Jedi

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. Hellooooo!❤❤ It's me again!! I was wondering if you could do a Obi-wan x reader obviously, and the reader is really clingy and cuddly all the time and her love language is psychical touch? Thaaaaank you very much😊 Love you!😚❤

Jedi were the protectors of the galaxy. Meaning that they had to be on guard most of the time. The Jedi Council was clear about no attachments, but that didn't work for Y/n. Especially when it came to her secret romance with Obi-wan Kenobi. In this very moment the Council would frown upon them but for one moment they didn't care about their actions. I wrap my arms around Obi-Wan's neck jumping into his opened arms when he closes his bedroom door locking it behind him. Wrapping my legs around his waist he carried me to the bed where we both fell back smiles on our faces. "The Council are sending Anakin and I to rescue the Chancellor from Dooku." He explained playing with my loose hair until I whined snuggling into his chest. He gets up to remove his cloak quickly coming back to my side.

"Do you have to go. You've been in meetings for the whole week Obi-wan." I mumbled into his chest when he kissed my hair. He knew you were saying more by cuddling close to him. The Jedi Master was good at showing his love for you both physically and verbally. "I must darling. If we catch Dooku now then we may end the war once and for all." Lifting my head up I throw one leg over his where he wrapped his arms around my waist. Obi-wan was a softie and melted into your hugs everytime. It was like you had a magic way with them that he couldn't resist. "I wish you could just stay with me, Obi...I miss you when you're gone for days on end." I spoke laying my head in the crook of his neck. He knew you would shortly fall asleep if he let you keep laying like this.

Obi-wan shifted to lay on his side lifting his freehand to run through my hair. He leans forward pressing his lips to mine in a slow kiss. Blinking my eyes opened I kiss back through a small giggling at his actions. "You're not gonna let me cuddle you are you Kenobi?" Obi-wan shakes his head letting his shoulders drop with a heavy sigh. "Huh I wish I could Y/n. But I have to go before the Council suspects anything. I promise I will be back before you know it. Where we can cuddle and fall asleep until the next morning...just remember I love you." He gets out of the bed but I get to my feet throwing my arms around his neck again. His arms wrapped around my waist until I kissed him laying my head on his chest. Obi-wan didn't need you to say it out load when you're huge and that kiss says it all, I love you.

Comments really appreciated

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