(Obi Wan) Obsessively in Love with You

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. Hello there! It's me again! Can I request a Obi-wan x reader where reader is a big fan of Star Wars and Obi and one day when she was watching Star Wars again she got teleported into the tv and to Star Wars world?

Eating popcorn I turned the TV on for another marathon of the Kenobi's series that had came out recently. Wrapping the blanket around myself I squeal seeing my favorite character Obi-wan fighting Darth Vader for the second time and winning. My parents introduced me to Star Wars when I was little and ever since then I didn't mind obsessing over it and the characters, specifically Kenobi. Thankfully since the series has been out I have learned that there are a lot of people who feel the same. Picking up the TV remote I turned up the volume a little until the remote shot electricity to the TV and I suddenly dropped it screaming. Getting out from underneath the blanket the TV is now off so I go to check on the plug but something grabbed my leg pulling me inside the TV then turning back on like normal.

Blinking my eyes opened I groan popping my back when I sit up. But instead of feeling carpet underneath my hands I feel sand between my fingers. The wind blows through my hair that is now tied into quite braid going down my back. Instead of completely loose like it was just a minute ago. Getting to my feet I glanced down at myself catching a lightsaber attached to a belt on my hip. And as far as I could see there's nothing but sand for miles exactly like Tatooine from Star Wars. Scanning around I start waving my arms back and forth seeing someone riding on the back of something like a camel of some sort. The rider comes closer and I almost threw up, no passed out or even squeal like the fan girl I am at the sight. I'm not exactly sure because standing before me was no ordinary rider, no ordinary man in the middle of the desert. Any Star Wars fan would be freaking out if they were in the situation I am now, because in front of me is none other than the famous Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi.

"Hello there. Do you need a lift miss. The desert isn't safe at night." I bit my lip nearly jumping up and down hearing him deliver one of his famous lines directly in front of me. Obi-wan raised a brow at me just standing there like I was a statue or a deer in the headlights. He climbed down his saddle taking two short steps towards me. "What's your name?" I hang my mouth opened a bit when he rests a hand on my shoulder but I shake my head pulling myself back to this reality. "I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n. And you're Obi-wan Kenobi. Famous Jedi Master." He bends his head down to the ground and that's when I can see he has grey forming in his hair exactly like he looks in the show. Mentally kicking myself in the head I can't believe I didn't figure out this wasn't a dream until now. But a miracle of some crazy sort. A miracle that I somehow entered the tv and I'm now in the last scene of the season finale of his TV show. "It's just Ben now...uh hop on I'll let you stay with me tonight. The sand people will take you out if you're here by yourself Y/n." I nearly fell back in awe hearing him say my name for the first time yet he offered me his hand helping me onto the saddle.

Obi-wan or rather Ben climbed on the front and smacking the reins of his animal where I slowly wrap my arms around his waist when the creature starts moving faster than I anticipated. I immediately feel my face turning red like crazy and I'm great full he doesn't look over his shoulder in this moment. Because he would be embarrassed himself if I blurted out I am in love with you to him. I feel my heart beating faster at being this close to him. I have only ever written or read this happening in fanfiction but now this is somehow a reality. There's a small part of me that believes I may be losing my mind, but I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if this was the result. "So where are you from Y/n. I don't remember you being a member of the Jedi order?" He asked once we back at his hut watching the sunset off in the distance. I smiled his direction suddenly surprising the both of us when I kissed him outright.

The former Jedi froze at this strange girl's affection towards him. He couldn't process it correctly all he knew was that he wanted to kiss her back. That he wanted to pull her close and maybe call her his to the world. Obi-wan had no clue what the feelings were he was experiencing but he wanted to savior them, fearing they might but all slip through his fingers if he wasn't careful. I felt his right hand rest against my cheek and his other arm wrapped around my waist tugging me closer. Then he kissed back and it felt exactly like it was read or seen in the movies. You know the moment when the guy finally kissed the girl kind of thing. I slowly break the kiss seeing him smiling back at me. I mirror it draping my arms around his neck whispering under my breath. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth, Obi-wan." I hope I can stay here for just a little longer, enough for another kiss perhaps.

Comments really appreciated :)

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