Chapter 29

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Lexi's POV

"So was amazing..." I said, blushing as I told Crystal and Riley about prom night.

"Omg you both are just...amazing!!" Crystal squealed, causing many heads to turn and look at our table. We were at our favourite café. It was easier for me to meet them here because Crystal and Riley were already here when I called Crys.

"You are one lucky girl, you know that?" Riley said.

"I know I am.." I said, blushing again.

*beep beep*

My phone vibrated, signalling that I had a message.

*Hey princess ;-)*

A text from Colton. My heartbeat skyrocketed.

*Hey boyfriend

I sent back.

Him:*Wanna come over?*

Me:*Sure...I'll be there in 10*

Him:*I was hoping you'd say yes....see you you baby girl :)*

My heart fluttered reading his message.

Me: *Love you too :) See ya..*

"Hey guys, sorry but I gotta go." I said, collecting my stuff.

"No!! You can't go!!" Crys said dramatically.

I just laughed, gave them both a hug each and went to my car.

My smile faded when I saw a piece of paper on the windshield of my car.
It's not over...

My heart skipped a beat. I knew who wrote that note. If he was the one to place it here, then there was a chance of him still being around the café.

I quickly got into my car and started driving to Colton's house.

I let out a breath of relief as soon as the café was out of my sight. Just as I was about to look away from the rear view mirror, I saw a familiar car turn on to the road I was driving on. I could feel my heartbeat increasing- not in a good way- as I stepped on the gas.

The other driver was making sure to keep up with me. The tears started rolling down my cheeks and my hands started shaking but I had to get to Colton's house. As soon as possible.

After overspeeding for about 10 minutes, I pulled into his driveway. I jumped out of the car and ran to the front door.

I banged the door, silently praying for him to open the door fast. I felt unsafe standing outside his house.

I ran into my boyfriend's arms the moment he opened the door.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me to the living room.

"What's wrong?" he asked after we sat.

I just buried my face in his chest and cried. I was scared. When did my life become so complicated? Why?

"Baby, please tell me what's wrong? What happened?" he asked, concern and worry evident in his voice.

"He's not gonna leave me alone!" I choked out. "He's not gonna stop!"


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