Chapter 31

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Lexi's POV

At around 6, we decided to go out for dinner. We weren't really in the mood to eat anything solid, so Colton stopped at a roadside joint, claiming that they sold the best hot dogs ever.

Trust me when I say he was right.

After we ate, he drove me back home. And like a true gentleman he walked me to the door.

"I had a wonderful time today.." I told him as I hugged him tight.

"I'm glad you did, princess." he said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

I went on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips. It wasn't like any other kiss that we had. It was different. It was much better. It was perfect.

"I'll call you later, angel." he said, winking which as always resulted in me blushing.

"I love you!" i called out as he walked towards his car.

"Love you more!" he replied.

Just before I closed the front door, I heard someone call out my name.

"Lexi!" I recognised that voice immediately and my smile vanished.

" What the hell do you want from her you bastard?!" Colton roared before I could utter a word.

Ryan ignored him and took a step towards me.

" I- Lex, hear me out please.." he said.

"What do you want Ryan?" I asked him as the tears started making their way down my face.

"I just wanna talk, I want to apologise.. I'm so so sorry Lexi, you belong with me..only me..not with that low life. I love you baby, and, i made a mistake, I accept it. But please, just take me back. I can't live without you. I miss you! Please..."

I saw Colton take a step forward, anger clearly visible in his eyes.

" had your chance, I'm with Colton now, and I love him--" I said but I was interrupted by him.

"You don't love that piece of shit! You love me!" he roared and took another step forward.

"You don't get to decide that!" I yelled in return.

He took another step towards me, his right hand outstretched.

"Listen baby, I said I'm sorry, I miss you and I love you, please--"

"Shut the fuçk up! " Colton shouted and started making his way towards me.

I saw Ryan's hand twitch.

"Stop right there." he told Colton.

"I don't have to listen to you, asshole!" my boyfriend spat out.

"You stop right there or--"

"Or what? Are you gonna threaten me? Seriously?" Colton laughed.

"Oh man, trust me, I'm not in the mood for any jokes right now." my eyes widened when I saw Ryan pull out a gun from his jacket.

"Ryan...put it away.." I said softly.

"I'm sorry Lexi, I have no choice." he said and pointed the gun at Colton.

"Ryan, stop! Why are you doing this?! Leave him alone!" I cried.

"Okay, I'll leave him alone." he said as he started lowering the gun. I opened my mouth to tell him to just leave but stopped when he lifted the gun once again, but this time, he had it trained on me.

"I'll leave him alone, because i don't know that you will come to me if he's not in the I'll just kill you. If I don't get to have you, then nobody does." he said in a cold voice and then pulled the trigger.

All my brain could register after that was a searing pain in my side and a voice-- Colton's voice calling out to me, before darkness enveloped me.


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