Chapter 5

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Lexi's POV

"Whoa, this place is huge."I said as soon as we entered Karen's house. Yeah, yeah Colton actually managed to convince me to go for this stupid party.

"I'm getting out of here." I turned and tried to get out but unfortunately, Colton didn't think so because he caught hold of my hand and pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked raising one eyebrow.

"Colton, I told you before...I don't like parties."

"I remember that and I plan to change your opinion about them." he said with a crooked smile. A gorgeous crooked smile.

"Oh my God! Lexi, you came!" I turned to see Chrystal speed walking towards us."You actually came!" she told me as soon as she reached us. Then she turned to Colton.

''Man,I salute you.How you managed to convince her-I don't know-but hats off to you''she said, mock saluting him.

''It was hard I tell you, she is one stubborn girl.'' he said with fake seriousness.I knew it was fake because I could see a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips.They looked at each other for a few seconds fighting their smiles before bursting into laughter.

''Hello.......'' I said in a sing-song voice. '' I'm right here, you know.''

They continued laughing but were interrupted when the DJ-yes, a DJ-called out, wanting everyone's attention.

''All you lovely couples out there! This next number is for you. Get on the dance floor!!'' the last part was not clear because he started playing 'Wanted' by Hunter Hayes.( I know its weird having a slow song playing at a highschooler's party)

''See you later'' Chrystal said and grabbed Drew's hand and the both scurried off to the dance floor. Before i could say anything,

''Miss Evans, would you do the honour of dancing with me this beautiful evening?''he asked in a cordial voice,his right hand outstretched and his back arched a little.He looked up through his thick eyelashes with those piercing green eyes.

''I'd love to'' I said chuckling as i placed my hand in his.

He led us to the middle of the dance floor, wrapped his arm around my waist and started swaying from side to side.

I don't know why, but the feel of his hand on my back sent shivers of pleasure down my spine.It made me take a step forward involuntarily. His hold on me tightened, so I forgot about all my worries and rested my head on his chest.We continued dancing or rather swaying in the same position.

When the song ended, he removed his arms from around my waist but didn't let go of my hand.

Without uttering a word, he started leading me out of the house. I was confused but didn't ask him any questions about what he was doing. Not immediately at least. Once we were outside, he turned to me and just stood there staring into my eyes. After sometime he took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I like you."he said finally."I like you,Lexi. I know this sounds cheesy, but I have felt this way ever since the day I saw you. And I knew you wouldn't like me back, so I tried, I tried so hard not to like you in that way. But then yesterday you were so sweet to me, so nice and that just made my feelings for you grow. I like you a lot, Lexi." That was all said in one breath.

I stood there speechless, my heart was thudding in my chest and before I knew it, I blurted out the three words he said to me.

The smile that appeared on his face at that moment was breathtaking. He started leaning towards me slowly and I could feel myself moving closer. Our lips met but there were no sparks.

No, no sparks but it felt like several explosions taking place at that very moment.

Both of us pulled away at the same time, trying to catch our breath. I stared at him and without thinking twice crashed my lips on his again. He responded immediately and I could feel him smiling against my lips. This time, he pulled away first.

"Lexi Evans, will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?" he asked me with smiling yet hopeful eyes.

"Yes.Yes I will." I breathed out.

He flashed me another breathtaking smile before giving me another kiss. We stood there, our foreheads touching she. I decided to speak.

"You know, although I would love to stay right here with you, we should probably head back inside."

He laughed softly and nodded.

We went inside, hand in hand and then I excused myself so that I could go to the bathroom.

Since I didn't have much make-up on, I splashed some cold water on my face and then stared at my reflection in the full length mirror. A date. Tomorrow. With Colton.

It feels like the day I met him was yesterday and I already like him, so much. Anyway, I dried my face with a towel and stepped outside.

I was about to go back downstairs when I heard the voice of the person I had grown to dislike.

"Lexi, please wait!" Ryan called out.

"I'm sorry but I don't entertain strangers."I told him in a calm voice - although my blood was boiling inside me - and walked away.

He called out to me twice or thrice but I didn't bother acknowledging.

I spent the rest of the night dancing, either with Colton, Chrystal or Riley, but mostly Colton. I was not a big fan of alcohol so I didn't bother drinking anything.

I know I said before that I didn't enjoy parties, but Colton had succeeded in changing my mind about them because honestly, this was the best party I have ever been to.

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