Chapter 15

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Lexi's POV

On the way home, I had this one thought nagging me.

Is it possible to fall in love with someone you've been with for a very short period of time?

I wasn't sure if my friends would know but I still gave it a try.

"Hey guys?" I started from the back seat of the car. Crystal was sitting in the passenger seat because I called it when we were going to the café.

"Yeah?"Riley asked, looking at me in the rearview mirror. She was dropping us back home.

"Um..I have a question for y'all." I said slowly.

"Uh huh.." Crystal prompted.

"Um...uh...Is it possible to fall in love with a person even if you've not known them for long?" I asked softly.

"Yeah...why not?" Crystal said. But then she realised what I had asked and turned to look at me with wide eyes.

Riley seemed to realise this at the same time because the car immediately screeched to a halt.

"Girl! Pull over to the side if you want not in the middle of the road!"I yelled because there were angry drivers honking from behind us. She moved the car to the side and turned off the engine.

"Did I just hear you say love?" Riley asked with wide eyes too.

"Uh..yeah.."I blushed thinking of these feelings I had about Colton. I have been dating him for less than a month yet it feels like I've known him forever.

"Oh my God! You're in love with Colton!That's it..isn't it?!" Crystal practically yelled with excitement.

"Shh!! Don't yell!" I told her, my cheeks still telling warm.

"Oh God what do I do?"I groaned as I let my head fall into my hands.

"You tell him."Riley said bluntly.


"Yeah. You tell him. Why does it always have to be the guy who makes the first move? Change the trend girl!"she suggested.

"I don't know...." I trailed off.

"Riley's right you know."Crystal said."Why don't you tell him. Actually, you should do it today. Call him up and tell him you'll pick him up at around.....5?" she said looking at her wrist watch."Take him to that place you go to when you need to think. Tell him it's a date and you can confess your love there. I can help you with the preparation if you want. And I'm sure Riley will too."she finished sounding proud of her plan.

"No no no no no....there's no way I'm doing it. What if he freaks out?"I said immediately.

"Trust me. He won't. That guy has been in love with you since the day y'all bumped into eachother." Riley said.

I opened my mouth to say something but Crystal stopped me.

"Don't even try to deny it because we saw it in the way he looks at you. It's really cute you know." she added, making me blush.Again.

I thought about it for sometime and agreed to do it. But I really hope he doesn't freak out. I mean, what if it is too soon? Okay, I should stop breaking out. I took a deep breath and said,"I'll do it."

Both Crystal and Riley squealed at this. I must say though, watching Riley squeal was extremely weird.

I got my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 3:30. That means I had only an hour and a half to get everything ready before I have to meet Colton. Shit!

The first thing I did was call him up.

"Hey sweetheart,"he greeted me and I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks.

"Hey handsome, how was school?"

"School was boring...cause I didn't get to see your face throughout."my cheeks got even redder...and I don't even think that's possible.

"Oh stop it!"I said playfully and heard him laugh quietly."Anyway, free today?"I asked him.

"Yeah...why?" he asked, confused.

"Alright! I'm picking you up at 5." I said cheerfully and laughed seeing as it was the guy who usually said that.


"Do I really need a reason to spend time with my boyfriend?"

He laughed again and said, "Alright, see you in a while. Bye."


I disconnected the call just as Riley pulled into my driveway. I jumped out of the car and ran up to my room not even bothering to greet Jake. Crystal and Riley barged into my room a few seconds after I did.

Crystal pushed me into the shower while she went to pick out an outfit for me. Riley plopped herself on my bed and started making arrangements for the food and drinks. She wasn't as interested in fashion or dressing up as Crystal was.

I probably had the quickest shower I had in my entire life. I wore on my undies and stepped out of the bathroom in my bathrobe. Crystal had laid my outfit on my bed and was now getting the curling iron ready.

I eyed the outfit. It was simple but cute. Black skinny jeans, a white full sleeves top with my leather jacket just incase the weather becomes chilly.

I quickly put on my clothes and went over to my dresser where Crystal was standing, ready to work on me. I told her not to make my face look made up. It had to look natural.

So she used the curling iron just to curl the ends of my hair, applied a little mascara, clear lip-gloss, and eye liner. I slipped on my white flats and checked the time. 4:40 pm. I had just enough time to get to Colton's house.

I skipped down the stairs excitedly and kissed Jake on the cheek before heading off towards his  car. I asked for his permission first, of course.

"Have fun!"

"Good luck!"

Crystal and Riley screamed from my window.

"Thanks! Love y'all!" I yelled back blowing them a kiss.

I got into Jake's car and took a deep breath.

This is it Lex. Don't mess it up.

I told myself before I pulled it if my driveway.


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