Chapter 12

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Lexi's POV

*beep beep beep beep*

I heard my alarm go off. Groaning, I turned to see the time on the digital clock that was kept in my study table.

6:00. I turned it off and curled up under my blanket again. After what seemed like seconds, I heard Jake calling out to me.

"Ugh!! Why can't I sleep for some more time?!" I groaned.

"Because you have to get to school princess." I heard my favourite voice say. Wait! FAVOURITE VOICE?!

I sat up immediately and looked around the room and found him sitting on a chair near my study table.

"What the...?" I said. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and true enough, there he was. My boyfriend, looking handsome as ever in his jeans and tee, ready to go to school.

"Good morning, princess." he said, standing up and making his way to me.

I felt a smile creep up my face.

"Morning handsome" I said. He came up to me and leaned down to give me a kiss. I waited till he was centimeters away and the pushed him and ran towards my en suite.

"Hey!" He said.

"Wait for me downstairs" I called out before I shut the door. After I brushed my teeth and showered, I put on my skinny jeans and a black tank top. I applied minimal make up and slipped on my black converse.

20 minutes flat. I picked up my school bag and skipped down the stairs and went straight into the kitchen. Not that it's a bad thing but i found Jake and Colton acting like besties. And let me tell you-- it was weird.

"Morning!" I said and went over to Jake and pecked him on the cheek.

"Morning,sis."he said, returning the kiss.

"Hey! Don't I get a good morning kiss?" Colton asked.

"Hmm......" I pretended to think for a while, "I don't think so." I said playfully.

"Really?" he said teasingly with one eyebrow raised and started walking towards me.

"Yeah....really." i said.

Before i knew it, he had his arms wrapped around me and started tickling me. I screamed and started squirming in his arms.

"stop!" I yelled.

"Not until you promise to give me a kiss."he said.

But i wasn't one to give in so easily. "Never." I said playfully.

He didn't stop tickling me. After what seemed like hours, i decided to give in.

"Fine! I promise!" i said in between breaths.

Immediately he stopped tickling me and leaned down to give me a kiss. Our lips met and i felt relieved. I don't know why.

"Ok ok...listen both of you. Although i approved of y'all dating, I will not tolerate PDA. At least not in front of me." he said playfully but could see that he meant it.

We laughed it off. Jake had fried some eggs and bacon, so three of us had our breakfast and then left for school. Jake took his car because he had to drive Haley too while Colton and I rode in his (Colton) car.

Not long after, he pulled into the parking lot of the school. We got out of the car and walked to my locker first.

We had to walk past him and his followers to get to my locker. I decided that I was over him so I would not act like the world was going to end everytime. I don't know if that made sense.

Anyway, as we were walking past, I couldn't help but clutch  Colton's hand tightly. And when my eyes flicked over to his group, I noticed that Jenna wasn't there.

"Hi Lex! Hi Colton!" I heard Crystal say.

"Hey" Riley followed.

"Hi guys" I said giving them a hug.

" Princess, I gotta go so I'll see you in class?" Colton said.

"Sure, see ya" I said, going on my tip toes to give him a kiss. Since I was too short he picked me up by the waist and made me stand on his feet. I could feel a blush creeping up my.cheeks. He gave me a brief but sweet kiss and then left.

"OMG! Y'all are so cuteee!" Crystal screamed as I turned back to them.

"Shh!" I said with a finger on my lips. My cheeks were still warm and my heart was still beating as fast as ever.

Riley started laughing at my reaction and soon even Crystal and I joined in. But my expression changed as soon as I saw their faces-- filled with rage. I already had a feeling as to who it could be and I did not want to see him.

But I turned around anyway.

"Lexi....." he said, like as if he was in pain. My guess was right. It was him. My ex- boyfriend , Ryan.


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