Chapter 21

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Ryan's POV

I can't believe it. I can't believe I'm actually standing in front of Lexi's dad's house. But this was the only way I'd get her back. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it.

"Hi Mr.Evans." I said after he opened the door.

"What are you doing here?!"he shouted. So I guessed he didn't know about the breakup.

"Um...Your daughter and I broke up. And I need your help to get her back."

"Why would you want my help?"he laughed, his mood changing as soon as he heard the word daughter.

"Because she's dating another guy and he's making things complicated. I want him out of the picture."

"Come on in." he said gesturing for me to go inside the house.

I really hope this works. I cannot live without this girl in my life and I was going to do everything to get her back.


Lexi's POV

"Hey Crys.."I said over the phone.

"Hey girl..what's up? Everything ok?"

"Yeah...I was wondering if you and Riley could come over tonight?"

"Sure...just keep some movies ready. I'll pick Riley up and we should be there in about an hour. Bye."

"'Kay, bye."

I went downstairs and saw Jake sitting on the couch and watching TV.

"Hey sis," he said after he saw me.

"Everything's fine Jake...Colton called me yesterday...everything's fine." I said as I buried my face in his chest.

"Oh Lex, I'm glad everything's ok."

He said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"By the way, Crystal and Riley are coming over tonight." I told him.


Seeing that there was more than 15 minutes left for them to arrive, I went over to the shelf to select a few movies.

After about ten minutes , I had four movies selected. The Vow, A Walk to Remember, Divergent and I Am Number Four. Yeah..we're different type of girls.

The doorbell rang, signalling that they were here. I went and opened the door and was nearly crushed in the process of being hugged by my best friends.

"Guys! Chill! I'm not dying!"

"Hey girls," Jake said from behind me.

"Hi Jake," both of them said in unison.

"You guys have fun, I'll be in my room if you need me Lex." he said.


"So what's with the sudden sleepover?" Crys asked as she dropped her bag in the ground next to the sofa.

"Colton called me."

"Oh praise the lord!" Crystal shouted and Riley laughed.

" we apologised to each other and everything's fine now. Oh I'm so happy."

"That's great Lex!" Riley said, giving me a hug which was followed by another hug by Crystal.

"Anyway, Riles, what's the deal with you and Matthew Chambers?" I asked her.

"Ooh...they're dating!" Crystal shouted before Riley would open her mouth to speak. Her cheeks turned red at the mention if his name though.

"OMG! Really??"

"Yeah.."Riley answered softly.

Now it was my turn to squeeze the life out of her.

"Since when?" I asked.

"Since yesterday!" Crystal shouted again.

"Crys! Let the girl speak!" I shouted at her playfully.

"Can't we just watch the movie?" Riley asked, clearly hating the fact that she was blushing so much.

"Alright alright.." I said, laughing.

"What are we watching?" Crystal asked.

"Well, we have I Am Number Four, Divergent, A Walk to Remember and The Vow. Pick one." I said.

"We are so watching I Am Number Four. Alex Pettyfer is drool-worthy." Crystal said.

So we settled on I Am Number Four. I heated up some flavoured popcorn so we could enjoy the movie thoroughly.


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