Chapter 22

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Lexi's POV

I groaned as I heard my alarm ring. 6 AM. It should be illegal to wake up so early. I mean who doesn't like cuddling under the covers on a cold winter morning? I switched off the alarm and got out of bed. The first thing I did was, checked my phone, and there it was; a message from that one person who could make me smile even at 6 in the morning.Colton.

Morning beautiful :)

Sent exactly 3 minutes ago.

Morning handsome

I replied. I connected the charger to my phone and went to shower and get ready for school.

I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black, white and red striped top and my usual minimal make up.

I picked up my bag and headed downstairs. Jake must have been running late today because he would've kept breakfast ready if he wasn't. Quickly i put together two plates of scrambled eggs and bacon with a glass of orange juice each and started eating while i waited for Jake to come down.

I was almost done with my breakfast when he came down with his school bag hung over his shoulder.

"Morning sis," he said and pecked me on the cheek.

"Morning, Jake. You're breakfast's ready. And um..Colton's driving me to school so don't worry about bringing me back home today, okay?"

"Okay" he replied.

Just as I put my plate in the sink, I heard his car pull up.

"I'm leaving, bye. See you at school." I told Jake, slipped on my flats, and headed out the front door.

Colton was leaning against his car when i walked towards him.

"Hey, princess," he said with a gorgeous smile and kissed me on the lips.

"Hey, lover boy," I said, after we pulled away from each other.

He opened my door and helped me in before going around to his side and starting the car. He held my hand throughout the drive and it felt like a whole box of fireworks were being lit in my stomach. As soon as he parked the car in his usual spot, everyone's eyes were trained on us.

The way he got out of the car, the way he opened the door for me, the way he placed his arm around my shoulders as we walked towards the building, everything.

People here love to gossip, that's for sure, because I'm pretty sure we received those looks because of what happened and our little- okay, not so little fight.

"Just ignore them, princess, sooner or later they themselves will realise that they have better things to do in life instead of poking their noses in everybody else's business." Colton told me as he planted a kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you later, babe."

"See ya." I told him.


My morning was extremely boring. Uneventful. And it was as if the teachers planned something because we received an awful lot of homework in every subject until now. Why?

Finally it was time for lunch. Colton was waiting for me outside my class. He greeted me with a short but sweet kiss. We walked to my locker first and I dumped the books I needed for my morning classes and I took the ones I needed after lunch. Then we headed to the cafeteria, hand in hand.

"Hey guys, " I said, addressing Crystal, Riley and the boys, once we reached the table. Colton did the same.

"So..." Crys started.

"What is it Crys?" I said with a bored expression because I knew something was going on in that pea sized brain of hers.

"Oh it's's just that, you know, my birthday's in a few days so..."

"Oh really? When's your birthday again?" I asked her teasingly.

"You!" she shouted and hit me on the arm playfully.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said, raising my hands up in surrender. Her birthday was four days before Christmas. That is, 21st of December.

"I'm having a small party at my place. Just us. The people at this table right now." she said.

"It better be just us." I said.

We finished our lunches about five minutes before the bell was supposed to ring and as usual, the guys started off with their disgusting jokes. And we girls couldn't help but laugh along with them.

Honestly, I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have friends like these in my life.


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