Chapter 32

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Lexi's POV

" --up...please baby, wake your eyes..I miss you princess.." I heard a voice say.

I tried opening my eyes but flinched when the bright light hit them. I closed them immediately and tried to open them slower this time.

I looked around the bare, white and gray room and stopped when my eyes fell on a certain boy.

"Colton..." I whispered as the tears started pooling in my eyes.

"My baby..." he started, and tears rolled down freely down my cheeks. "I missed you, I love you so much! Don't cry, please..." he said as he hugged me as tightly as he could and planted a passionate kiss on my lips.

"What happened to...?" i asked as he pulled away.

"The neighbours saw what was going on and they uh called the cops." he said while stroking my hair.

"And what about the - uh- gun??" I looked away.

"Baby..i should go get the doctor." he said and stood up but I didn't let him leave.

"Tell me.."

"Sweetheart, you should rest..I'll go get the doc."

"Tell me, damn it! Where did he get it from?!"

"Fine! You really wanna know?! It was your father Lexi! You're freaking father! Oh God, I'm so sorry baby, i'm so sorry.." he said as he hugged me again.

"You're brother's waiting to see you." he continued.

"Don't leave, please.." I pleaded.

"Don't worry princess, I'm not going anywhere..I'll always be there..always..." he said and kissed me.


"Always and Forever.."

The End.

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