Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Green Tea Tea Day 16

    Lin Junyi pinched the time and asked Lawyer Han, who was solely in charge of Lin Xiaocha's contract disputes, to post Weibo on time.

    Of course, he also listened to his sister's wishes, and he only directed Jiangshan behind the scenes, and did not directly intervene in this matter.

    Lawyer Han's Weibo also has a lot of fans. He posted this Weibo about Lin Xiaocha's proposal to terminate the contract with Shengshi Entertainment and recovering her legal salary. He immediately posted on Shengshi Entertainment's official blog, And tell that this is not a statement is a direct prosecution.

    There was no warning. A few days ago, Lin Xiaocha had just officially announced that he had joined the recording of a variety show, and suddenly he did this, and everyone was caught off guard.

    After fermenting on the Internet for a while, Shengshi Entertainment naturally learned about it.

    The whole network exploded, the top management of Shengshi Entertainment exploded, and Shi Nielun exploded even more.

    The hot search could not be withdrawn, and the person in charge of Shengshi Entertainment later found out that Lin Xiaocha deliberately bought the hot search.

    Shi Nielun couldn't figure out why, but he still knew how much Lin Xiaocha had.

    Where did she get the confidence to terminate the contract with them, and suddenly where did she get the money to buy hot searches at a high price?

    [Eat melon, the annual big show, I thought Lin Xiaocha had already retired from the circle, this is a hype that wants to attract attention, doge]

    [Lin Xiaocha actually took the initiative to terminate the contract with Shengshi Entertainment? Where did her face come from, the company raises you and you bite back, white-eyed wolf! ]

    [The rumors in the entertainment industry are all true. Since Lin Xiaocha joined "Our Beautiful Life", many people have speculated that she has a new golden pig, and now it is more confirmed that this statement is true. 】

    【I rub it, Lin Xiaocha has been very confused these past few years, and he actually asked Shengshi Entertainment for 10 million in salary? I admire it]

    [10 million is an astronomical figure for ordinary people. To be honest, 10 million is not enough in the entertainment industry. It is just an endorsement fee for a popular artist. Lin Xiaocha was still popular back then, and it is estimated that most of this It was all earned in the past, but after that, I didn’t earn much. The gossip broke the news that she even used as a stand-in for some female stars’ fight scenes, miserable, really miserable]

    [The above is Lin Biao himself, wash, continue to wash]

    [I carefully read the content of the Weibo posted by lawyer Han, Lin Xiaocha was still a minor when he signed a contract with Shengshi Entertainment? She is not even 14 years old and has no legal representative. The contract is illegal, so her contract is simply an invalid contract, and Shengshi Entertainment is not a human being. ]

    [Pure passers-by, I don't like gossip. As a worker, Lin Xiaocha is a little bit miserable. When she was a minor, she was coaxed by her broker to sign an unequal labor contract with a term of 20 years, which is equivalent to being bound for most of her life. In this brokerage company, let’s not mention the reputation of Lin Xiaocha. The salary and benefits promised by the company did not meet the same conditions, and they in turn oppressed you and suppressed you. Anyway, it was me, so many years of youth have been destroyed. In this company, I definitely don't want to, I have to say that the capitalists are awesome! Lin Xiaocha is so miserable, the workers stand up! ]

    [Let the bullets fly for a while, Shengshi Entertainment has not responded yet, it is estimated that Lin Xiaocha deliberately hyped the smoke bombs released for the sake of heat]

    [Agree with LS, maybe Shengshi Entertainment and Lin Xiaocha joined forces to hype, let's pick one up. Pa Lin Xiaocha has stepped on many people since he entered the circle, and there are several artists under Shengshi Entertainment who are not hype kings. To be honest, Shengshi Entertainment sucks. ]

    Attorney Han has brought a team of lawyers with evidence and was invited to discuss the 'peaceful termination of the contract' with Shengshi Entertainment.

    In any case, they are not afraid of lawsuits, and they also have all kinds of evidence of tax evasion and tax evasion of Shengshi Entertainment collected by Lin Junyi.

    The point that Lin Xiaocha specifically asked for, and the most important point, is that she wants Shengshi Entertainment to return all the remuneration that she has squeezed from her in the past six years.

    She doesn't want the money, she will donate it all.

    Shi Nielun was repeatedly scolded by the company's leaders. He was so angry that he frantically called Lin Xiaocha's number, but he couldn't get in touch.

    At a critical moment, he can't even get in touch with the person who lost his temper. You are not angry.

    Shi Nuan Lun was pacing back and forth while on the phone. His blood pressure soared and he almost vomited blood. Suddenly, he remembered that Lin Xiaocha went to participate in the recording of "Our Beautiful Life" early this morning.

    The show team is going to confiscate the artist's mobile phone.

    Shi Nianlun pressed the furrowed between his brows, he took a deep breath and let himself slow down.

    For a moment, he remembered that although Lin Xiaocha could not be reached for the time being, he could call the producer of the show.

    The idea was right, but it didn't work out.

    Shi Lun glanced at the time, it should be filming over there, and the staff's mobile phones should also be turned off.

    He almost dropped his phone.

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