Chapter forty-eight

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Chapter forty-eight green tea tea forty-eighth day

    Lin Xiaocha's topic of grabbing a corner, airborne hot search, clicked in to have a look, and copied and pasted those few sentences over and over.

    This matter, a discerning person can see that it is very strange, not the navy or anyone else.

    [Lin Xiaocha has just been on a variety show, and it has been on the air for several days. Why is there her everywhere? ]

    [It's really boring to fry cold rice, you have the ability to talk about your work! ]

    [I beg Lin Xiaocha to be an individual, take up variety shows well, be your variety show cafe, and don't come to harm our TV audience! ]

    [Fuck, as soon as I had a crush on Lin Xiaocha, I acted like a demon. Sure enough, I can't have any hope for a beautiful female star. I can't do anything with that face, and I can't make a solid filming.]

    One word at the beginning, the process It's all about editing.

    In addition, Jiang Lele was involved, and the black fans of the navy and all kinds of fish in troubled waters were all mixed together.

    ["The Heart of the World" is Jiang Lele's first costume heroine's play, she has been a hit after 20 years of debut, so she was dragged back by Lin Xiaocha. It's too miserable, I suddenly feel a little pity Jiang Lele is happy, this is coerced by capital! 】

    【Jiang Lele is such a miserable girl, how could she have met the broom star Lin Xiaocha, gan! ]

    [Hehe, anyone can film, no wonder the current TV series are getting worse and worse, and Lin Xiaocha gets out of the entertainment circle]

    [Capital's arrogant

    loves scumbags] [Lin Biao gets out of the entertainment circle]


    this matter is getting worse The more intense the show, the hot search ranking went straight to the front row.

    Lin Xiaocha's fans, Tea Egg, naturally knew about it. They met in the Tea Egg group to discuss what to do about it.

    Since the establishment of their fan group, they have not organized the past to criticize and criticize.

    As the group owner, Lin Qingqing was unaware of the time difference between her country and the country at this moment.

    The management and members of the group know that the group owner is abroad, so there is no trouble with her. The group owner also said that she cannot be online all the time, so many things will be left to other managers to do.

    Other online management took the lead, saying that they should go to control and criticize the anti-gang together.

    One of the tea eggs hesitated for a while, but still said it: [Everyone calm down, do you remember? Chazai is such a Buddhist salted fish. She said on Weibo before that I hope we don't check in and do data or something like other fans. We should be happy to chase stars. If you like her, go to chase dramas and watch live broadcasts. Don't engage in the anti-black criticism of the fan circle. She also said that black is black, white is white, and black can't be black. 】

    The management is getting angry. Seeing these words, he naturally remembered what Lin Xiaocha said before answering the fans' questions about her views on chasing stars.

    [Tea Egg Management No. 2: But the tea cub is about to be scolded into a sieve, and the studio's number is the same as a fake number, and there is no action. ]

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