Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Green Tea Tea Day 34

    Lin Xiaocha's personal studio was finalized, and the studio's address was selected in a certain area on a certain floor of the Global Entertainment Building.

    Global Entertainment has a lot of money, and it is not a matter of minutes to free up a few houses.

    Lin Xiaocha was very satisfied by rubbing Gu Huaizhi's building, so that he didn't need to spend extra money to rent a house and save a lot of money.

    There were still many trivial preparatory work in the early stage. Zhou Mingze gave Gu Huaizhi full responsibility for this matter, and he did not ask about specific matters.

    Regardless, he still asked Lin Xiaocha's opinion.

    Lin Xiaocha was picking flowers in the garden with her mother, preparing to make flower cakes, when she suddenly received a call from Zhou Mingze, which was quite unexpected.

    She thought that the villain suddenly regretted and wanted to withdraw the cooperation, and said to Liu Liying: "Mom, I will go to the side to pick up a work call."

    Liu Liying waved: "You can do your job."

    "Hello, hello! "Lin Xiaocha greeted politely.

    On the phone, Zhou Mingze's magnetic and melodious voice came: "It's me Zhou Mingze, are you busy?"

    Lin Xiaocha was at home every day apart from fishing, but was fed by her parents, and she had a pleasant little life.

    She walked to the chair next to her with her phone and sat down, and slowly replied, "I'm not busy, what's the matter with Boss Zhou?"

    Zhou Mingze's eyelids jumped. Since the cooperation was confirmed yesterday, she seems to like to call herself 'Zhou' boss'.

    The man lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice, "About your personal studio, which floor do you like? President Gu will make room for you." Which floor do you


    Lin Xiaocha was stunned, she could choose at will.

    She pinned her fingers on the sixth floor or the eighth floor?

    Our people like auspicious numbers, of course she is no exception.

    Sixty-six great smooth, eighty-eight hair.

    She wanted to be smooth and to make a fortune, but the 68th floor is too high, and the heights are too cold. If there is a natural disaster such as an earthquake, she may die on the way down.

    Lin Xiaocha pondered for a moment, then pondered and said, "The sixth floor."

    Even if you climb stairs, you can run fast, and you can exercise during peak elevator hours. It's a very livable floor.

    Zhou Mingze: "Well, then your studio is located on the sixth floor. If you have any other needs, you can ask Gu Huaizhi directly and let him prepare it for you."

    Lin Xiaocha smiled and nodded: "Okay, thank you Zhou The boss cares. I'll treat you to tea another day!"

    When she finished, she felt that her words were strange.

    Zhou Mingze hummed: "Okay." After

    hanging up, Lin Xiaocha realized that she had been in close contact with the villain recently.

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