Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 Green Tea Tea Seventieth Day

    During the chat, Lin Xiaocha learned that Jiang Ruoya, Ruan Yunyan, and Ding Yingying had been in Nan for more than two weeks, and they had not gone out to play.

    Everyone basically stayed in this villa, and the entire recording cycle of the show will be over in a few days, so I am very sorry.

    Lin Xiaocha suggested: "The beach is nearby, do you want to go out and play?"

    Ding Yingying nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice: "Yes, I also brought a bikini, but I haven't had a chance to wear it."

    Ruan Yunyan smiled slightly, Throwing off his long hair: "It's a coincidence, I brought it too."

    After speaking, several people looked at each other and smiled.

    Jiang Ruoya raised her hand: "I brought a camera, I can be a full-time photographer for you."

    Lin Xiaocha reminded them to take sun protection measures when going to the beach in the sun.

    Going to the beach with an umbrella is too abrupt, it's really impossible to play happily, but sunglasses, sun protection clothing and sunscreen are naturally indispensable.

    The four of them dressed up beautifully and set off to the beach together, and the four male guests were still studying in the back kitchen of a restaurant.

    At first they were very enthusiastic, and the weather was getting hotter, especially the back of the kitchen.

    Star-rated hotels are in good condition and have central air-conditioning to cool down, but small restaurants are different. The rows of stoves are hotter than the sun outside.

    The old master was very patient and encouraged them at the beginning, but at the end, it became hot and people's temper became dry.

    Whether it is Xie Yumo, Chen Jiarui or Wang Haoyu, even Han Yiyang, who just debuted, has never been disliked so much.

    It's impossible for them to go back regardless of the scolding. Learning to cook is indeed not that simple, not to mention the live broadcast of the camera.

    Sweat dripped down their foreheads, and their shirts were soaked with sweat, which was in sharp contrast to the four female guests who rushed to the beach happily.

    Netizens in the live broadcast room liked to watch this scene, the beauties posted together, the handsome guy was sweating profusely in the kitchen cooking for the girl he liked, and then looked at the sweaty clothes clinging to the body, showing the chest muscles and waistline... !

    [What clothes are men wearing to cook, their shirts are about to be taken off]

    [Mr. Xie, come here, I will help you wipe the sweat from your forehead and drooling]

    [I wipe, the four male guests are all in great shape, Lin Xiaocha is here Is it for everyone's benefit? Thank you Lin Xiaocha for her good intentions, I just found out, I'm sorry, I just scolded you with others, I was wrong! ]

    [Although Chen Jiarui looks average, he is the most burly one, with star eyes.jpg ] [My God

    , is this something I can watch without spending money? 】

    The seaside.

    Ding Yingying and Ruan Yunyan brought bikinis over, Jiang Ruoya wanted to take pictures for everyone, and the clothes she brought were all neutral.

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