Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Green Tea Tea Day 21

    If Lin Xiaocha is against it alone, the director can insist, and the six entertainers and guests protest together, and he can hold on. The key is that even his staff will betray now?

    What's more, it's the other way around.

    The director rubbed his hair, which was not much, at a loss. God, he was going to lose his hair again.

    After struggling for a long time, he was not threatened and must not be fooled by Lin Xiaocha, however, he was just about to say no.

    Lin Xiaocha's phone number has been dialed, and she has also chatted with the other party.

    The director was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly grabbed Lin Xiaocha's mobile phone and looked at her vigilantly: "Are you really here?"

    Lin Xiaocha blinked innocently and nodded: "Director, why are you? So cruel to not give everyone food? We are really going to starve to death, and whether we are human beings or steel robots, even Huang Shiren and the foreman of the bodyworkers are not as cruel as you!"

    The director, who was suddenly put on the hat of living Huang Shiren, was suddenly dumbfounded. Silent, he needs a ventilator.

    Lin Xiaocha: "Lord Director, you can tell from your conscience, it's not embarrassing for you, as long as you give an order, everyone will be very grateful to you!" The

    director has no heart, he looked at Lin Xiaocha without any fear of retreating. , and reason with him, where is his oxygen tank?

    For a moment, he took a deep breath and was able to save him.

    "Xiaocha, let's do it, you and the other teachers go to the yard to clean up the sanitation and fetch water for the vegetables in the yard. It's a part of the task completed in advance. How about I have someone prepare a meal for you? Or the second option, It's not impossible if you don't want to clean or carry water, you can also give you some of the ingredients first, but you have to cook by yourself." The

    others looked at each other in dismay when they heard the words, and their eyes glowed green with hunger.

    They looked at Lin Xiaocha gratefully, and seemed to say, Xiaocha quickly agreed to the director's request.

    The green tea system was also in a hurry, and was heartbroken for the host: [Bao, let’s nod and agree with the director’s proposal. Not only can you eat food, but you may also get lucky points for the director’s favorability! 】

    Lin Xiaocha put her hands around her arms, she shook her head, and said very firmly: "No, I didn't expect you to be such a director, we trust you so much! We don't agree on conditions, although you took my phone away, But, I haven't hung up yet, the person in charge of the labor bureau can hear it clearly, I didn't lie and I didn't exaggerate." The

    director hurriedly glanced at it, and sure enough, the call was still going on, and it was quickly snuffed out.

    Lin Xiaocha smiled slightly, do you think hanging up the phone is to destroy the corpse?

    She turned her head, looked at the live broadcast, raised her eyebrows, and reminded the director: "I really have no choice but to tell them the truth, we have live broadcasts."

    Director: Fuck, I'm being careless.

    Others were stunned, but looking at the director's black face, they felt so cool.

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