Chapter 71

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Chapter 71 Green Tea Tea Day 71

    Looking at the super luxurious coconut chicken set meal, Lin Xiaocha was confused.

    When everyone came to thank her and her team, she slowly recovered what was going on.

    Don't think about it, this must be Zhou Mingze's handwriting.

    Her brother is too loyal and more reliable than her immediate boss, Gu Huaizhi, who knows her schedule.

    Before coming to Nan City, Lin Xiaocha specially gave Gu Huaizhi a mobile phone case and pendant.

    Whether it was out of emotion or gratitude, Lin Xiaocha had to call Zhou Mingze to thank her for anything she said. She just heard someone say that the price of this private chef is not cheap. There are so many people in the show crew, which is estimated to be a lot of money.

    If Zhou Mingze is rich, he is rich, and this is not the way to spend it. It is too prodigal.

    When he received the call, Zhou Mingze had just returned from the medical summit to the hotel where he stayed when the phone rang. He picked it up and looked at the caller number to know what was going on.

    Before waiting for the other side to speak, the man asked in a deep voice, "I received the item?"

    Lin Xiaocha hummed: "Yes, thank you Boss Zhou for the big meal. I only represent the whole of our "Want to Fall in Love" program group. The staff thank you!"

    Zhou Mingze chuckled lightly when he heard the words, and he asked, "Is it delicious?"

    Lin Xiaocha nodded, then thought that the two were on the phone, he couldn't see it, and said doubtfully: " Coconut chicken is delicious, Boss Zhou, haven't you eaten yet?"

    Zhou Mingze pondered for a moment, and Assistant Zhang next to him picked up the room card and swiped the card to open the room for him.

    The door creaked open.

    Lin Xiaocha naturally heard the movement over there, and was surprised: "You just returned to the hotel?"

    Zhou Mingze: "Well, I just finished my work, I will eat later."

    Lin Xiaocha knows that he is very busy, and it is not easy to be a boss. Just like her brother Lin Junyi, he opened a company by himself and flew everywhere every day. Now that his parents have gone abroad, it is impossible for domestic companies to completely let go.

    But in addition to accompanying my mother and sister abroad, my father was inconvenient to handle many things in person.

    In fact, Lin Shixin also wanted to retire. Now that the family is reunited, he has nothing to worry about except the company. He took the opportunity to ask Lin Junyi to help the Lin Group to prepare for taking over the company in the future.

    Speaking of whether he is busy or not, Lin Xiaocha remembers how powerful the villain was in the original work. For example, his methods were ruthless and ambitious. In a short period of time, the domestic business map expanded rapidly, and he became the most powerful male protagonist in one fell swoop. The strong rival of Ji has caused a lot of influence to Ji's many times.

    Every time the villain Zhou Mingze makes a move, it makes the hero and heroine who escaped his pursuit warm up. It can also be said to be the love accelerator of Lu Manman and Ji Lingchen.

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