Chapter 112

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Chapter 112 Green Tea Tea Day 112

    The much-anticipated moment was coming, and the audience at the scene didn't dare to gasp loudly.

    The barrage is still swiping at the moment:

    [Ah, ah, tea cub, where are you? Mama so nervous! ! ! ]

    [Friends, those who have tickets will get a ticket, and those who don't have tickets, cheer for the yellow team, the yellow team will win, and Lin Xiaocha will win! 】

    【Come, come, finally wait until the yellow team comes on stage! 】

    【I didn't move for a long time, shouldn't the yellow team fled and were too scared to come out]

    【Shh! Look at the stage——]

    At this time, the originally colorful stage suddenly dimmed, and at the same time, a bunch of chase lights came over.

    A man in an ancient costume was sitting in a wheelchair.

    There was a guqin in front of the man, and he raised his hands and slowly placed it on the guqin.

    A close-up of the camera, he gently plucked the strings with his long fingers, and the sound of the piano reverberated in the empty courtyard.

    [This dance beauty, this costume, this style, damn it! 】

    【Fuck! Is the man in the wheelchair Chu Junhua? 】

    【Mo Shangren is like a jade gentleman who is unparalleled in the world, Chu Junhua is so suitable for this look! ]

    [Fuck, he really plays! I didn't expect that Chu Junhua could play the guqin, which is a little unexpected! ]

    [No, don't patronize and brag about it, Huang team has mistaken the theme, this is a dance competition, not a guqin competition. Hey, hello]

    The camera is zoomed out, and several women in elegant costumes danced at the sound, their makeup is pretty , graceful figure, as light as a flying swallow, like a fairy.

    The woman who leads the dance holds a long sword, and it seems to be swaying with the rhythm of the piano, but it is actually orderly and beautiful.

    [Ah, ah, He Mengjia leads the dance, she can even dance swords! 】

    [Fuck, He Mengjia's sword dance is too handsome, I love love, I would like to die under her sword]

    [LS is not necessary]

    [Their dance clothes are really good-looking, thank you Wen Shengxiao My sister helped to rush the work and customized it. Each one fits well. It must be expensive, right? ]

    [I have to say, the yellow team's appearance is amazing! ]

    At the same time, on the other end of the roof, under the moonlight, a desolate and pretty woman in white was raising her head, seemingly enjoying the moonlight tonight.

    In this situation, it is like the Moon Palace Xian'e who occasionally misses the mundane past.

    Suddenly hearing the sound of the piano, the white-clothed woman's mind moved slightly. She slowly lowered her eyes, took out a jade flute, and put it lightly on her lips.

    Suddenly, the melodious sound of the flute drifted away with the wind.

    【Ah ah ah Lin Xiaocha YYDS】

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