Chapter 135

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Chapter 135 Green Tea Tea Day 135

    Recently, although Lin Xiaocha was on vacation to fish, she did not completely choose not to work. During the "Master in the Folk" program, she even gave her an olive branch.

    The recording time of this show is not long, the price is good, and the people who mainly participate in the show are masters selected by thousands of people.

    Lin Xiaocha was very interested after reading it, so she decided to let Zhang Shan settle down.

    Originally, the program "Masters in the Folk" did not attract much attention, and it was only passed on in niche circles.

    When fans received the news that Lin Xiaocha Club had joined this issue, they immediately ran to pay attention.

    Even netizens expressed their expectations when they heard that Lin Xiaocha participated in "Masters in the Folk", and also guessed what Lin Xiaocha was going to perform?

    Netizen: What else can she not do?

    Lin Xiaocha reposted the program group's Weibo, indicating that this time she did not perform anything, but was a guest commentator, which disappointed everyone.

    Netizen: Just be happy!

    Lin Xiaocha is really happy, and Tea Egg is also very happy. It's better for Tea Cubs to be open every day.

    Of course, they also felt sorry for Cha Zai, and shouted for her to combine work and rest.

    No way, as mother fans and father fans are so contradictory, in short distressed and looking forward to.

    As a special guest commentator of "Masters in the Folk", Lin Xiaocha finally got her wish on the show, and indeed saw many folk masters.

    The program team is very attentive, and the invited guests are all real masters from all walks of life, which are very exciting.

    The program team also followed the trend this time and launched an online live broadcast.

    Since the announcement of Lin Xiaocha's participation, the number of live streaming downloads has skyrocketed.

    The audience in the live broadcast room was very enthusiastic:

    [Hahaha, this is my grandfather's favorite show, at the beginning he told me that I was very disdainful and didn't want to watch it]

    [In the guest seats are all elderly teachers, but Lin Xiaocha is young, and looks like grandparents bring their granddaughters to watch a play]

    [Very vivid, grandparents like Lin Xiaocha very much, Lin Xiaocha group Chong Shi Hammer]

    [Yes, yes, there are still a lot of staff who want her autograph and photo]

    [Envy the audience who can go to the scene]

    Lin Xiaocha sat in the middle of the other commenting guests, and in front of her was the one she often brought with her Constant temperature cups, as well as snacks and drinks sponsored by the program group.

    Usually, these things are advertising spaces, and guests will not touch them, but who is Lin Xiaocha, isn't it a waste to put things here and not eat them?

    Before officially starting the recording, Lin Xiaocha opened the snacks and shared it with the senior teacher. She had a sweet mouth, and everyone laughed and talked, and the scene was full of joy.

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