Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 Green Tea Tea Day 68

    Some netizens are envious of Lin Xiaocha, and of course some are envious of male guests.

    Beautiful and handsome guys are seductive just looking at them, not to mention dating in the same frame, and some people even don't know who to envy for a while.

    All in all, everyone is looking forward to it.

    In front of the courtyard of the pink villa, everyone present was still stunned, completely in the shock just now and did not recover.

    After Lin Xiaocha finished speaking, she leisurely sat down on the swing chair next to her, giving them time to think.

    After a while, there was still no response. She raised her eyes and saw that a large group of people stood motionless as if they had been tapped.

    Seeing this, Lin Xiaocha cleared her throat and reminded: "Don't the four brothers want to go on a date? If it's reluctant, then forget it." When the

    words were finished, she sighed softly, and the task was completed.

    In this situation, she almost put some eye drops on her eyes, with a look of tears in her eyes, which made people feel very distressed.

    System: [Treasure, congratulations on successfully completing the tea language and tea language task of the green tea system, and reward you with 50 lucky points! ]

    The voice of the system continued, and continued to broadcast that Lin Xiaocha obtained points from netizens, the staff at the scene, and the guests in love.

    Han Yiyang was the first to return to his senses. He quickly raised his hand and said, "Sister Tea, I am willing, I am very willing!"

    Although there is a slight difference between the five-person walk and the two-person world he imagined, it is not much worse. Better than being eliminated by Lin Xiaocha.

    Xie Yu took care of the gem cuffs on his shirt sleeves. He didn't misunderstand Lin Xiaocha. It was really interesting. She became more and more interested in him.

    That's why she was able to come up with such a crazy idea, and he smiled charmingly: "I am willing too."

    "Me too." Chen Jiarui was not willing to be left behind, and quickly persuaded, "Xiaocha, I am willing, you must not cancel it."

    It is rare for him to wear a suit today, and it is so solemn for a date. Five people can only walk with five people. It is a rare and different experience.

    Although he had just been damaged by Lin Xiaocha during breakfast and looked unsatisfactory, he had to perform well and try to gain a good impression from her.

    Wang Haoyu: "Xiao Cha, I am also willing, then we will date together today!"

    Today is a long experience, and there are not no rich second-generation circles in his circle, and most of them are on two boats at the same time.

    Many of them were secretly poked, but Lin Xiaocha was so blatant.

    In addition to being heartbroken, he is more admired.

    After receiving the approval of the four male guests, Lin Xiaocha nodded with satisfaction. She asked the program team for paper and a pen, and asked the four male guests to sign their signatures and fingerprints.

    "There's no basis for what you say. What if you regret it? If you really want to and obey my appointment arrangement, you can sign here, and you need to press your handprint." Lin Xiaocha took four pieces of paper and asked Four male guests signed.

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