Chapter 138

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Chapter 138 Green Tea Tea Day 138

    Lin Xiaocha lay on the bed and held her mobile phone, thinking, she and Zhou Mingze are the first to get on the bus and then make up the ticket, right?

    Thinking of this, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

    After Lin Junyi left home to go to the company, Lin Xiaocha didn't stay in the room, she changed her clothes and went out.

    Today, she also signed up for volunteer activities and will attend on time.

    the next day.

    That is, the day after Lin Xiaocha and Zhou Mingze officially confirmed their relationship, Zhou Mingze went on a business trip.

    I don't know how other people talk about love. Lin Xiaocha thought about this question seriously. As Zhou Mingze's girlfriend, should she be more considerate?

    Lin Xiaocha cleared her throat and asked directly, "I'll take you off?"

    "Don't bother," Zhou Mingze comforted her on the phone, and said warmly, "You have a good rest. Let's meet again when I get back.

    " ?

    When Lin Xiaocha heard this, her little heart couldn't help beating wildly, she took a deep breath, raised her hand to cover her disobedient heart, and said in a low voice, "Well, it's not what you said, so I won't go. Take care of yourself."

    Zhou Mingze snorted, with a softer tone than usual: "Then hang up." Lin Xiaocha

    said ok, but found that the other side was not hanging up, she raised her eyebrows slightly and asked hesitantly: "Why don't you hang up?"

    Zhou Mingze's voice was low and sweet: "Xiao Cha, did you forget something?"

    "What?" Lin Xiaocha was confused, "Is it important?"

    Zhou Mingze chuckled lightly Next: "Yes, it's very important, think about it carefully."

    Suddenly, Lin Xiaocha felt blessed and understood what he meant. Her cheeks were hot, and she deliberately said: "I really don't know, but I thought about you. question, are you talking about the prostitution/capital that night?"

    After all, she drank too much and forced her to kiss him.


    Zhou Mingze suddenly filled his forehead with black lines, he pressed his eyebrows helplessly, the little girl really dared to say it.

    Suddenly there was no movement on the other end of the phone, Lin Xiaocha continued to add fuel to the fire, and said quietly, "How much is it? I'll transfer it to you now?"

    Zhou Mingze stroked his forehead, he really didn't know the little girl's brain circuit, helpless With a sigh, he said, "Xiaocha, it's not about money."

    Lin Xiaocha asked knowingly, "What's the matter? Could it be that you are duplicitous, you want me to take you to the airport, but you talk the other way? You know, everyone says I'm a straight daughter, if you say the opposite, I'll take it seriously."

    "..." Zhou Mingze only felt that he was shooting himself in the foot, coughed lightly, bent his lips and said, "It's your kiss. "


    Now it was Lin Xiaocha's turn to keep silent. She thought it was impossible for a mature and steady man like Zhou Mingze to say such words.

    After a few seconds of silence, she heard Zhou Mingze calling her name in a low voice: "Xiao Cha, I'm waiting, I'll be late."

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