Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 Green Tea Tea Day 77

    In the midst of everyone's reluctance to part, the program "I Want to Fall in Love" has come to an end. The only regret is that the eight guests in love are not a pair.

    The audience in the live broadcast room even cast a screen-filled barrage, strongly requesting Lin Xiaocha to come back next season. They don't care and don't care if the show is ambiguous and pink bubbles.

    These days, Lin Xiaocha brings endless joy and various life experiences to everyone, which is unforgettable.

    The audience was impressed that maybe sweet love can't fall on my head for the time being, isn't that why I'm not completely ready yet?

    In fact, it can be regarded as a pair, but they are not publicly in front of the camera, not men and women in love, but love guests and staff.

    Ruan Yunyan quietly pulled Lin Xiaocha and said, "This month is neither long nor short, he is very good to me, we decided to find out if it is suitable or not after the show is over, neither of us. We are in a hurry to fall in love blindly, we are going for the purpose of marriage."

    Lin Xiaocha's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she asked her very gossip: "Who is it?"

    Ruan Yunyan was rarely shy, she lowered her head slightly. She pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "My photoshoot."

    Lin Xiaocha was shocked: "!"

    Ruan Yunyan's photoshoot looks like a young brother, three years younger than her. The younger brother is quite sunny and handsome, but his personality is a bit different. Bored, don't like to talk, in fact, people are pretty good.

    Lin Xiaocha patted her on the shoulder: "Yunyan, I didn't expect you to like the younger brother type, I usually see that he really pays attention to you, but the look in your eyes is not the same, so he has long been in love with you. , I wish you two together as soon as possible."

    Ruan Yunyan nodded and hummed: "Thank you Xiaocha, if we do invite you to have a wedding in the future, you must come."

    After the show, everyone will return to their own . In her original circle, Lin Xiaocha is a star, and she and they are not from the same world.

    Lin Xiaocha solemnly promised: "Of course. Then I will work hard to make money and save red envelopes from now on. Don't worry, I will give you a big red envelope then!" The

    two laughed instantly, and the three women fell in love. All the guests privately added Lin Xiaocha's personal WeChat.

    As for male romantic guests, that's fine.

    Lin Xiaocha refused very simply, she didn't even need to make up a reason.

    Anyone who has followed Lin Xiaocha on the Internet knows that she does not add the personal contact information of male artists.

    Xie Yumo didn't give up and tried his best to defend: "Xiaocha, I'm not a male star either. It's understandable that you don't add that kid Han Yiyang."

    Lin Xiaocha nodded: "Yes, you are not an artist."

    Xie Yumo smiled After laughing, he was using his mobile phone to open WeChat and scan the interface, Lin Xiaocha corrected: "But you are a male colleague."

    Xie Yumo choked instantly, is he a male colleague? How to become a colleague.

    Jiang Ruoya reminded him: "Mr. Xie, we are a team, of course colleagues."

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