Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven Green Tea Tea One Hundred and Twenty Seven Days

    Lin Xiaocha and the program director confirmed that another flying guest was on his way.

    But the other party still has at least two hours to get here.

    At this moment, the five guests who were already present did not have very important things to do, so they went back to their rooms.

    It's time to pack up, pack up, and prepare for your lunch break.

    Save your stamina to deal with the director, oh no, and complete the task given by the director.

    Lin Xiaocha was also a little sleepy. She yawned and said good afternoon to the camera and the audience in the live broadcast room. She also asked everyone to combine work and rest. Remember to take a nap and be refreshed in the afternoon.

    Yawning is contagious, and the screen is full of

    good afternoons: [Good afternoon tea, go to sleep! ]

    [Good afternoon girl goose, Mama is obedient, and also go to sleep! ]

    [Fairy good afternoon, take a nap!]

    However, as soon as Lin Xiaocha finished speaking, she heard someone shouting outside: "Lin Dacha is a rich woman, is the rich woman Lin Dacha's presence? Are you there?"

    Hearing this, Lin Xiaocha's original drowsiness disappeared, and she blinked her eyes in overjoyed instant. The life-saving thing came.

    The outside continued to shout: "Lin Dacha is rich lady, your courier has arrived, please sign for it!" Not to

    mention that Lin Xiaocha heard it, the audience in the live broadcast room heard it.

    [Hahahaha, what the hell is Lin Dacha? ]

    [Pfft, Lin Dacha has never heard of it, but Lin Xiaocha knows it (dog head)]

    [Mom, this is what the courier boy called, laugh to death, the name of the tea cub is so straightforward and domineering, I really like it ! ]

    [Hahahaha or, I thought I was the only rich woman named XXX on the Internet. It turns out that female stars are the same as me.]

    [I can't live anymore, female goose, one day you will definitely become a rich woman! 】

    Lin Xiaocha didn't sleep anymore, and happily went to collect the courier, and followed her downstairs with the cameraman who was filming.

    The courier brother's voice was so loud that several other artists and guests naturally heard it, and also alarmed the director team.

    A group of people were all dumbfounded. They watched Lin Xiaocha sign for box after box of things from the courier brother.

    Man, this car is all hers.

    After signing the order and confirming that there is no problem, Lin Xiaocha and the courier brother thanked her. She looked up and saw everyone staring at herself blankly.

    Lin Xiaocha cleared his throat: "Mr. Shang, Brother Feiming, and Brother Yang, don't be in a daze, quickly help move these things in together." The

    three of them immediately returned to their senses when they heard the words, and rolled up their sleeves one after another: " Move, move!"

    Lu Yang held the two big boxes and couldn't help but be curious, he stretched out his head and asked, "What is this, Miss Cha? Is it heavy?"

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