Chapter forty-seven

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Chapter forty-seven green tea tea forty-seventh day

    Lin Xiaocha was studying the script with other actresses in the crew when she suddenly heard the voice of her manager.

    She looked up and saw Zhang Shan running excitedly with his mobile phone in his mouth, still singing, this is the call of the heart...

    Lin Xiaocha has become accustomed to this, her manager's hobby There is such a thing as singing.

    Zhang Shan would sing when he was happy or sad, although he was a little out of tune and went to his grandmother's house out of tune, he still enjoyed it.

    Lin Xiaocha cleared his throat and asked him, "Brother Zhang, what are you doing?"

    Zhang Shan ran over panting and said excitedly, "Yes, there is an old domestic skin care product, and now they are going to do a live broadcast and want to invite You participate, if you perform well in the live broadcast this time, you may talk about endorsement."

    Speaking of endorsement, it is full of tears, Lin Xiaocha has no product endorsement yet.

    Nowadays, the live broadcast industry is booming, everyone can see it, and many industries have also switched to live broadcast online.

    In the big environment, some conservative old brands have been greatly impacted by live broadcast. They have to transform and keep up with the trend to start live broadcast and bring goods.

    If you want to open the online market, the first step must be to find a celebrity to open the way.

    Lin Xiaocha is a rough person. She doesn't care much about makeup and skin care. She also wears no makeup every day. Except when she needs to put on makeup when she is filming, she immediately removes her makeup after a scene, and doesn't even do the most basic skin care.

    As for why the businessman suddenly found Lin Xiaocha, the person in charge also accidentally watched a variety show clip of Lin Xiaocha.

    She was deeply attracted by the stunning and clean face of the girl in the video.

    Everyone is a face dog, especially those who are engaged in skin care products, and the eyes are even more vicious.

    She was very interested in Lin Xiaocha. After watching the variety show clips on the Internet, she also followed the variety show "Our Beautiful Life". In order to learn more about Lin Xiaocha's situation, she even watched various netizens' clips Yes, a short video of Lin Xiaocha and guest CP.

    Lin Xiaocha is completely in line with their product positioning. They are an old brand with medium prices, and there are not so many bells and whistles, and they have never found any celebrity endorsements over the years.

    The old brand represents a good reputation, but the total sales volume is not up, let alone those of the big foreign brands. Just the marketing part is trampled underfoot.

    The company's top management is also under great pressure, and they are not the only one with a good reputation of the old brand, and many of them have begun to transform.

    She collected almost all the information on Lin Xiaocha and submitted it, but the result was not as optimistic as she thought.

    The company's conservatives are firmly opposed to the use of celebrity endorsements, and they must maintain tradition.

    Of course, there are those who support her proposal, and the two factions quarrel endlessly.

    In the end, each gave a step, and decided to conduct a live broadcast to test the waters to see Lin Xiaocha's ability to bring goods and the reaction of the market.

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