Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 Green Tea Tea 109 Days

    The audience and tea eggs in the live broadcast room also expressed their opinions:

    [I'm sorry I was wrong, I shouldn't start questioning Lin Xiaocha, her attitude is absolutely fine, she dances very well. ]

    [At the beginning, Lin Xiaocha danced "Street Martial Arts" for the first time. She danced very stiffly. No one taught her how to dance. In an hour, she is now able to dance to the extent that she can participate in the performance. The instructor just watched and even scolded her? 】

    【Tea Cub has always been very serious, come to Mama's arms and hug! 】

    【I can't see the grievances of the female goose, the female goose must not hold on, it's a big deal to rest before continuing. 】

    In the rehearsal room, the six students of Team Yellow were already tired and numb.

    But they didn't dare to cry out, otherwise Jia Minghao would be punished more severely.

    Apart from being scolded by Jia Minghao, Lin Xiaocha felt fine and even started to like dancing.

    Sure enough, Wuwu does need super physical strength and endurance, regardless of family.

    Because of Chu Junhua's injury, he really couldn't stand such an inhumanly high-intensity rehearsal, which made his old injury aggravated, and he couldn't hold back his pain and fell to the side.

    Seeing this, Jia Minghao asked displeasedly, "What's the matter with you, Chu Junhua? Do you still want to stay on this stage?"

    Chu Junhua raised his eyes and looked at Jia Minghao when he heard the words. He tried but couldn't get up. Seeing this, Li Yinyin and He Mengjia next to him quickly pulled him up.

    Chu Junhua asked cautiously, "Mr. Jia, can I, can I apply for a break?"

    Jia Minghao sneered and replied, "Yes!"

    Chu Junhua heard the words, but the smile on his face didn't spread. Then I heard Jia Minghao say something again, making him vomit blood, "Finish one hundred push-ups and let you rest for half an hour!"

    Chu Junhua: "..."

    Sure enough, he shouldn't hold out hope, it's not killing him.

    Others: "..."

    Everyone sympathized with Chu Junhua, but did not dare to speak out, because they all understood Jia Minghao's temper, and they would be punished together.

    Lin Xiaocha, who was in the most middle position, glanced at Chu Junhua. He barely stood with the help of his companions, and he kept rubbing his waist, which must have been an attack of an old disease.

    Seeing this, Lin Xiaocha's eyes turned to Jia Minghao, who had an indifferent face.

    No matter how Jia Minghao mocked her, she could endure it, because she didn't prepare in advance and deserved to be scolded by him, but the little friends did nothing wrong, everyone danced well, but he even let people rest cannot.

    Humans are not machines, not to mention injured students who apply for rest and will be punished.     Lin Xiaocha

    couldn't stand it anymore. She took a step forward and asked, "Mr. Jia, don't you think that the choreography of this hip-hop dance doesn't actually bring out the strengths of each student?"

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