Chapter seventy-six

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Chapter seventy-six green tea tea seventy-sixth day

    Back at the pink villa, everyone sat in the living room chatting.

    Several guests in love have been dispatched collectively in the past few days, and their relationship has gone further. They are more like a team collaboration regardless of love.

    Everyone goes to experience life together, which is something they have never been exposed to before, from initial disappointment, emotion, novelty, fatigue to amazement, fulfillment, trust, and glory...

    This morning, Lin Xiaocha took seven lovers The guests went to donate blood for free, and did not do anything else. The guests in love had a very relaxed and comfortable life for a long time.

    And their move immediately aroused heated discussion among everyone. The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has soared these days, and they are also very emotional.

    This matter quickly became a hot search, not because the hot search does not cost money, who made Lin Xiaocha so popular recently, and the topic about her has received too much attention.

    The official big V also commented and praised Lin Xiaocha, praising her as an idol in the new era and a role model for young people. Everyone should learn from her positive energy and promote Chinese virtues. Start from me and start from the little things around you.

    The party Lin Xiaocha is still recording the show, and she doesn't know these things.

    Some other artist teams in the circle have also been paying attention to Lin Xiaocha's movements, and now there are news about her everywhere.

    Regardless of whether they are popular or not, they help Lin Xiaocha to promote it online. Even when they were interviewed, they strongly recommended everyone to watch "I Really Want to Fall in Love" that Lin Xiaocha participated in. Some people are jealous and can't help it. Let Lin Xiaocha be popular, and everyone is willing to tap water for Amway.

    Some brokerage teams also want their artists to imitate Lin Xiaocha's way, and they also use her as a model of paste coffee and a representative of salted fish to imitate and learn.

    Without exaggeration, they took Lin Xiaocha's words and deeds in all the programs, and even took a magnifying glass to enlarge her words on Weibo when she interacted with netizens.

    But after a long time of research, nothing came out. Let's say she established a character design. She seems to break the label every time, so that people can't catch up and label her.

    Copycat: ?

    It might be easy to roll over, right? !

    In the words of netizens, Lin Xiaocha is Lin Xiaocha, and no one can imitate it.

    The live broadcast continues, and the barrage continues.

    [Lin Xiaocha is more than 100 million cute, you are the most lovely in the world, love love! 】

    【Help! If it weren't for a few big characters in the title of the live broadcast room, I would have forgotten that this is a love drama (covering my face), not a metamorphosis. ]

    [Hahaha, welcome to Lin Xiaocha's happy world, laughing and laughing, all the troubles are gone, I must follow "I Want to Fall in Love" every day to see what strange things Lin Xiaocha does with his fans today! ]

    [I want to know one thing now, the director of this show and the director of "Our Beautiful Life", who is more mad when they meet Lin Xiaocha, dare to ask if their hair is okay? ]

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