Chapter 103

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Chapter 103 Green Tea Tea 103 Days

    Luo Xiaobei met with other tea eggs who signed up to help. Originally, everyone wanted to go to the scene early to support Lin Xiaocha, mainly to watch the red carpet show of Tea Cubs up close.

    Suddenly, they came over in a hurry, and they didn't have any materials to support them, even the simplest one, not even a card with Lin Xiaocha's name on it.

    The tea eggs looked embarrassed, and they comforted themselves: "This is the first time to support, I am inexperienced, so I can be forgiven! Next time I will definitely!"

    Luo Xiaobei is an old fan of Lu Manman. Banquets, visits to the crew, and all kinds of support.

    Although experienced, it was impossible for her to remind them.

    Luo Xiaobei knew the purpose of her trip, she came to observe Lin Xiaocha secretly.

    I have to say that Lin Xiaocha's ability to organize fans is really bad, and the 18-line paste coffee is more professional than them, but it's just right, she can see how Lin Xiaocha sees everyone coming empty-handed.

    Another important point is that everyone came a little late, and the red carpet over there is over.

    At this time, someone hurriedly urged them to say how easy it is for so many of them to take a taxi to Dongfeng Gymnasium, they should have booked a car in advance.

    I don't know what's going on today, and the car is not easy to hit.

    So, someone suggested that we should just walk over and forget about it.

    There is still a long distance from the stadium here, so far, how can it be possible to walk past.

    But I finally came here, even if I walked over, I wanted to see the tea cub.

    Luo Xiaobei suddenly thought that in the group, we often see tea eggs, Kua Lin Xiaocha, who has a good temper. Before, he squatted on the Internet to eat melons, and some netizens gave Lin Xiaocha the nickname "Lin Dashanren".

    Thinking of this, she would like to see how Lin Xiaocha, a great kind person, is marketed, or is it self-destructing.

    Luo Xiaobei hooked her lips, she cleared her throat, and said, "Since it's not convenient for us to go there, why don't you let the tea cubs come to see us!"

    Others: "?"

    Luo Xiaobei explained: "The tea cubs have a nanny when they go out. Car, it's convenient for her to come here, and besides, our hearts have already arrived at the scene, and people are staying here to cheer for her, so it's not too much for her to come here?"

    Someone nodded in agreement: "It's not impossible, today's special circumstances let's call If you don't have a car, then find a place to stay nearby, and let's watch the live broadcast."

    Luo Xiaobei thought everyone would object, but I didn't expect Lin Xiaocha's fans to be so weird?

    As soon as she said that, she agreed.

    "Okay, I've decided so happily. I'll leave a message for the studio to contact the Chazai team. When the teabag is over, let her come over and meet us!

    " I saw the female goose!"

    Everyone chatted and finally agreed, they found a place nearby, and when Lin Xiaocha's party was over, they came to meet them.

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