Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Green Tea Tea Day 44

    The daily shooting of the "Kim Sum of the World" crew is very harmonious, everyone cooperates well, and the progress is also fast.

    Because it is a low-cost ancient puppet drama, the crew is very low-key, not even an official blog, and there is no publicity and marketing.

    As for why Jiang Lele, who was in the fire, chose this drama, it was because of his favor.

    She owes the producer a favor, so even if she is popular now, the coffee position is up, and a lot of scripts are sent to her door to beg her, she still accepts the play.

    Of course, the main thing is that she also likes the story.

    With the guidance of an experienced senior like Jiang Lele, Lin Xiaocha felt like she had taken a magic pill, her skill increased instantly, and even her lines were smoother than ever before, which made her fall in love with acting.

    As for whether her acting skills have improved, she doesn't know, she is still relatively humble, and you have self-knowledge.

    Lin Xiaocha has never acted before, so she can't be cheeky enough to think that she is a Ziwei Xing from the sky, and she can shrink and contract like an old drama bone for the first time.

    When Director Guan was shooting Lin Xiaocha's shot, his eyes were wide and wide. He also said to the assistant director next to him: "This Lin Xiaocha has made great progress. Yesterday's filming of her shots and movements were still very jerky." The

    director Of course the assistant could see it too. He had eyes, but he still nodded very cooperatively. Rainbow Fart level 10 contestant: "You are still very good, Director Guan. You have a good eye and can choose people. There are a lot of newcomers and lesser-known actors in this show. We will wait until we finish filming. When it's finished , it will definitely become popular!"

    Director Guan didn't dare to think that it would become popular or not, it was actually the first time he made an ancient puppet drama, and a passing grade was enough.

    Except for Jiang Lele, who is the most famous and famous in the protagonist group, the other actors are indeed newcomers, and Lin Xiaocha is an exception.

    He recognized Lin Xiaocha's acting skills, mainly because she was sincere in her performance, without so many skills and impurities.

    She is like a piece of rough jade and needs to be polished with patience. As for whether she will become a dazzling star in the future, it depends on her own fortune.

    Lin Xiaocha didn't know that the director had such high expectations for her. Anyway, when she didn't have a role in her role, she took the script and asked Jiang Lele or other seniors for advice.

    The original clean and tidy script had burrs on the edges and became thicker and thicker, and there were rows of various dense annotations and various post-it notes on it.

    In the crew, there were originally some people who disdained Lin Xiaocha for being a wooden beauty. After getting along, they found that Lin Xiaocha was really good-looking. There is no doubt about this, but they did not rely on appearance alone to commit murder.

    In the eyes of many staff and actors, Lin Xiaocha is modest and polite to others. She also loves to learn. Even if she is filming in the same frame as the group, she will sincerely learn from each other.

    Lin Xiaocha called everyone a teacher, not by shouting, she really regarded everyone as a teacher.

    Let me ask, can you bear such a top-notch and beautiful beauty like this to you?

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