Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 Green Tea Tea Day 25

    At the beginning of the show, there was only one big live broadcast room. Since there are tasks, the artists and guests will definitely be separated, so the show team also thoughtfully allocated a small live broadcast room for each artist.

    The most popular are Xie Jiafan and Jiang Shenshen. Both of them are popular traffic, followed by Shang Yusheng, Chen Feiming and Wen Jingya. All three are powerful and have the same number of fans.

    The worst is Lin Xiaocha. She has lost almost no fans over the years. Those who stay in her live broadcast room are all new fans, show fans, and of course black fans.

    Some show fans do not want to miss the live broadcast of each artist and guest, so they switch back and forth between the six live broadcast rooms.

    [Tea cubs are worthy of being tea cubs, they exchange tea for food, little clever ghost (dog head)]

    [Just came from Teacher Shang's live broadcast room, Teacher Shang and Teacher Feiming are fast, and they have poured more than half of the cabbage. ]

    [Just when she was carrying the fruit basket, Sister Jingya flashed to her waist. Sister Jingya was so miserable. Right now, Xiaokubao Shenshen was picking fruit by herself, and Shen Shen was so miserable. ]

    [LS, the worst is Xie Jiafan, hahaha, my mom, I can't stop, just thinking about that picture can't stop, he was chased by a group of chickens frantically, one of his shoes fell, not to mention the heightening insole. fell out! ! 】

    【Mom, really? At the scene of the death of a large society, Xie Jiafan's idol halo was broken! ]

    The fans of some other artists in the live broadcast room not only watched their idols, but they were also very curious. They also wanted to see what Lin Xiaocha did in the end, so they quietly ran over to stare.

    [By the way, has Lin Xiaocha started to work? Is the big waste still lazy? 】

    【Lin Xiaocha what's going on? Am I blinded? How could she still pull a carload of things from someone else's house? ]

    [Other artists work tirelessly, exchanging labor for ingredients, Lin Xiaocha is Chi Guoguo's cheating, right? She's too lazy to say, why did she drink sour plum soup? ]

    [Fuck, not only does she have sour plum soup, but the cameraman also has it? 】

    The two old uncles were a little bit competitive, and they each pulled a tricycle full of delicious food and took the initiative to send it to Lin Xiaocha.

    Without Lin Xiaocha leading the way, they knew where the show crew's cabin was.

    Lin Xiaocha was dragged by the wives of the two uncles, and they chatted while walking.

    Lin Xiaocha took a sip of sour plum soup and praised: "Auntie, your sour plum soup is so mellow, the taste on the market is not right, either too sour or too sweet, I am so lucky to be able to drink it so well. Drink sour plum soup."

    "Yeah, I'll make some more for you later, but unfortunately that's all that's left for today, otherwise I'll bring you more."

    Lin Xiaocha: "Auntie is so virtuous and capable, I'm so envious of Uncle. ."

    Another aunt asked: "Xiao Cha, you are so handsome, do you shoot TV or sing?"

    Lin Xiaocha said bluntly: "You shoot TV series."

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