Chapter 143

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Chapter 143 Green Tea Tea 143 Days

    Lin Xiaocha knew that once the matter of being harassed by illegitimate meals became a hot search, it would definitely not be able to hide from his family and Zhou Mingze.

    On Lin Qingqing's side, she said hello in advance, and asked her sister to help without telling her parents, and she didn't want them to worry.

    Lin Junyi would definitely know, and she also thought about the consequences. The big deal was that she would be reprimanded on the phone by her brother, and then she would buy something to bribe him.

    Although her brother usually treats her very strictly, she knows him well, and as long as she speaks softly, her brother will not treat her like that.

    As for Zhou Mingze's words, she also thought about it. When she contacted him last night, he said that he was going to fly abroad today.

    Then when I finished work late and made a video call with him, I acted like a coquettish mummy to get through.

    The mountain is high and the emperor is far away, and he can't do anything to her.

    System: [Bao, you are truly talented! 】

    Lin Xiaocha listened and frowned: "Xiaolu, why do I think you are scolding me."

    System: [Bao, I am wronged, I praised you for being smart. 】

    However, what Lin Xiaocha didn't expect, the man who was supposed to fly abroad for business suddenly appeared in front of him.

    Really surprised and delighted.

    Lin Xiaocha was stunned for a long time before spit out a sentence: "Why are you here all of a sudden?"

    Zhou Mingze was wearing a black coat, tall with long legs, and his temperament was cold and noble.

    It was winter, and the cold wind was howling, and he was cold and handsome, even more frozen.

    Lin Xiaocha was afraid of the cold. She had just finished filming the morning scene. She still had makeup on her face and head. She was wrapped in a long down jacket with a cheongsam inside, and she was holding a warm baby in her hand.

    Susu saw Zhou Mingze coming and said hello.

    She wisely gave the space to the two of them, and quickly said: "Sister Xiaocha, I'll go to the nearby milk tea shop and buy you a cup of milk tea."

    Lin Xiaocha snorted and exhorted, "I want three-point sugar."

    Susu sweated when she heard the words, what milk tea she bought was just an excuse to leave.

    Seeing the terrifying face of the boss, Xiao Cha was still thinking about some sugar, and she worried silently for her in her heart.

    Zhou Mingze stood tall, standing at the door of the car without moving, just looking at her silently.

    The cold wind swooshed in, Lin Xiaocha couldn't help shrinking her neck, looking at the stern face in front of her, she pouted, trying to break the momentary silence.

    "You don't come all the way to show me an ice cube face? It's already cold enough, do you want to come in for warmth?" She said with a bit of resentment.

    Hearing this, Zhou Mingze saw that her little face was aggrieved, the little girl still had makeup on her face, and her hairstyle was also in the style of the Republic of China.

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