Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Chapter Ninety-Nine Green Tea Tea Ninety-ninth Day

    Lin Xiaocha assuredly handed his face to Alian to frame it.

    It is not the first time that Alian and Lin Xiaocha have met, and they are also acquaintances.

    Originally, under the crazy Amway of her friend Xiaoshoushou, Alian responded with disdain to Lin Xiaocha.

    It wasn't until after I worked with Lin Xiaocha last time that I started to secretly fan her when I saw her.

    Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, Alian naturally knows a lot of gossip and secrets in the circle. She wears makeup, and from time to time, she talks to Lin Xiaocha about the unknown gossip in the circle.

    People naturally like to listen to gossip, and Lin Xiaocha is no exception. It is free and no money.

    It's a pity that the people Alian mentioned, she didn't know or heard of them, and she didn't know who was who.

    In response, Lin Xiaocha could only politely respond, um, oh, ah.

    Occasionally, she will take a look at her mobile phone, and when a friend sends her a message, she sees the other party.

    After replying to other friends' messages, she was about to log out of WeChat when she saw a message from Lin Qingqing.

    Lin Qingqing first posted an emoji, a cute kitten peeking from the door, just as cute as she herself, especially vivid.

    Lin Qingqing: [Sister, are you ready for today's look? Can you let me see your beautiful photos first. Xingxingyan.jpg]

    Lin Xiaocha also replied with a kitten shaking her head: [Not yet, when I'm done, I'll send you the first one. 】

    Lin Qingqing: 【Wow, I'm waiting. drooling.jpg]

    The two chatted casually, Lin Xiaocha thought of what her mother sent back, and before she had time to call, she told Lin Qingqing about it.

    Lin Xiaocha: [I have received everything I sent, it's delicious! By the way, sister, how is your mother's body recently? 】

    Lin Qingqing: [It's delicious, I like it too, I chose it for you together with my mother. You say mom, she's still the same. Recently, she and her dad are staying in the apartment, and it's too hot and they don't go out much. 】

    Lin Xiaocha understood, she asked the green tea system, how many lucky points did she have now?

    Recently, she was busy filming, and she didn't exchange a good luck card for her mother for a while.

    System reminder: [Bao, there is something other than the main storyline of the novel, about Lin Shixin and Liu Liying, do you want to hear it? 】

    Lin Xiaocha couldn't wait to ask after hearing the words: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

    System: 【Little Green just detected that someone abroad will be detrimental to Liu Liying and Lin Shixin, treasure, you need to exchange a good luck card to help them get through Is it dangerous this time? 】

    Lin Xiaocha was shocked after hearing this. Every time she changed her luck card, she exchanged her mother for a healthy body. The luck card was like a potion in her eyes.

    She almost forgot that it also has a life-saving function, and she never imagined that someone would want to harm her parents.

    But who could it be?

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