Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 Green Tea Tea Day 62

    Death Shield's green tea system suddenly appeared again, and it exclaimed: [Bao, men can't say no! 】

    Lin Xiaocha contemptuously: "Aren't you scared away?"

    System: [...I'm worried that you're coming back. 】

    Lin Xiaocha's face is expressionless: "I'm so moved! Go away~" The

    system shivered: _(:з)∠)

    _Zhou Mingze raised his eyes to see Lin Xiaocha sitting quietly in his seat, she seemed to be thinking about something , did not bother her.

    He turned his head to look at the sky outside.

    At this time, it was getting late, and there were still twinkling stars in the dark blue night sky. It was rare to see such a beautiful night sky in the urban area.

    After Lin Xiaocha finished scolding the green tea system, she waved her hand to pay the bill, only to realize that Zhou Mingze did not know when he had paid.

    Waiter: "This gentleman has already settled the bill."

    Lin Xiaocha: "..."

    Lin Xiaocha sighed, she got up and came to Zhou Mingze's side, raised her hand and patted the man's shoulder, discussing Said: "I said, Boss Zhou, I'll invite you if you agreed, but this is not allowed next time."

    Zhou Mingze turned his head and lowered his eyes to see Lin Xiaocha's fair and slender hands resting on her shoulders. She seemed to be very casual and calm. .

    He didn't like to have physical contact with others, but at this moment, he didn't feel disgusted.

    The man quickly regained his senses, raised his eyebrows slightly to look at her, and said with a smile: "Okay, then you will ask again next time."

    Lin Xiaocha hummed, and curled her lips regretfully: "Oh, that's the only way it can be. ."

    He probably won't want to transfer money.

    After the words fell, Lin Xiaocha turned around and saw the scene outside the glass window. They came early, and this store, or the store in this area, was only lively at night.

    At this time, there were people coming and going outside, and it was very flamboyant, and of course the sky was very beautiful.

    I don't know what suddenly came to mind, Lin Xiaocha     stopped the waiter next to her, and she politely asked him, "Excuse me, will someone set off fireworks here?" Firecrackers are not banned, and they will be set off during Chinese New Year and festivals, which is especially spectacular! But usually if you are lucky and someone proposes marriage by the sea, someone will set off fireworks."

    Lin Xiaocha's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "Really?"

    The waiter nodded again and emphasized: "It's up to you to try your luck."

    Mainly, it's not a holiday today.

    Zhou Mingze looked at her with anticipation, he thought about it, and asked warmly, "Want to see fireworks?"

    Lin Xiaocha nodded sharply, she looked at Zhou Mingze: "I want to see it. Don't you think the weather and fireworks are very different ?" Is it worthy? It's like there will be fireworks displays in summer in some places."

    Zhou Mingze snorted and asked her opinion: "How about we go to the beach to try our luck?

    " Lin Xiaocha went over.

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