Chapter 75

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Chapter 75 Green Tea Tea Day 75

    Lin Xiaocha gets up early every day to go for a morning run, and according to the agreement, she will call Jiang Ruoya to get up together.

    After Ruan Yunyan and Ding Yingying found out, they said they would also join them.

    It's a pity that Lin Xiaocha couldn't call the two of them no matter how much they called, and didn't answer the phone.

    Jiang Ruoya yawned: "Forget the tea, don't fight, let's go, I guess the two of them were exhausted yesterday." It's

    not that they were exhausted. Although picking up garbage is not a heavy task, people who didn't work much suddenly suddenly It's normal to feel a little unbearable for a while after working at such a high intensity all day long.

    After I came back last night, even the evening walk was canceled. That's all, Alipay's step ranking is still the first in the circle of friends.

    Lin Xiaocha understood them and nodded: "Okay, let's go together."

    Back then, when she was very young, she practiced with her master, and she was beaten on the bed and couldn't get up on the first day. The master pulled her up with a cane.

    Of course, the master's strictness is good for her, but Ruan Yunyan and Ding Yingying are thin, they are just here to participate in the show, and they don't need to be as strict as the master is to themselves.

    An hour and a half later, Lin Xiaocha and Jiang Ruoya came back from practice, but the pink villa was still quiet.

    The breakfast that Zhou Mingze ordered for them has arrived, and no one has gotten up yet.

    Jiang Ruoya: "Would you like to go up and call them to come down for dinner?"

    Lin Xiaocha stopped her and shook her head at her: "Stop shouting, let everyone continue to sleep."

    Jiang Ruoya was a little hungry, she covered the shriveled "Then let's eat some first, I remember ordering a lot of them each time."

    Lin Xiaocha hummed, she was satisfied by eating two servings of breakfast every day.

    Their show time is relatively flexible. They start at the hour and end at the hour. They never procrastinate and work very punctually.

    This made the migrant worker Lin Xiaocha particularly satisfied.

    After the two of them had breakfast, Jiang Ruoya said that she was a little tired, it was still early, and she wanted to go back to sleep.

    Lin Xiaocha has a regular work and rest schedule. Now her life is extremely easy. She is not tired and does not need to make up for sleep.

    However, there was no one on the first floor of the villa at this time, so she also returned to the room.

    Lin Xiaocha took out her personal mobile phone, and many friends sent her messages, too many messages to read.

    There are Wen Jingya, Jiang Shenshen, Jiang Lele, Lu Yang, Xie Jiafan, Shang Yusheng and Chen Feiming. Everyone said that they were chasing after her. They also said that she was the aftermath of participating in a reality show. Bubble Lianzong was distorted by her style.

    In short, Wen Jingya and the others are very much looking forward to the second issue of "Our Beautiful Life", so hurry up and start recording.

    "Jian Xin" starring Jiang Lele and Lu Yang has also officially finished, and now Jiang Lele is rushing to a new crew again.

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