Chapter Ninety-Seven

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Chapter Ninety-Seven Green Tea Tea Ninety-Seventh Day

    Before this, the tea eggs had also heard that Yuehua brand signed Lin Xiaocha, but it has been a while, and there is no movement there.

    Of course, everyone also understands the brand side. After all, although Yuehua has become popular because of Lin Xiaocha, they are actually a little nervous in terms of funds. It will take some time to turn around normally.

    This time, tea eggs were seen from the official tea brand and confirmed about Lin Xiaocha's endorsement.

    This is the first publicly confirmed brand. Everyone is very excited about this, and they all said their wallets are ready, Modo Modo.

    After Lin Xiaocha responded to her friend's Aite on Weibo, she went offline.

    Originally, she went online to see if she was on the hot search, whether something she was worried about happened and she was scolded again.

    Of course, although she didn't care much about what others thought of her, she didn't want to involve her friends in being scolded.

    After reading it, she finally felt relieved and could continue to take a beauty sleep.

    In the past few days, Lin Xiaocha has been filming in the crew with peace of mind.

    Whether it's Director Li or the other actors in the crew, everyone is very efficient and cooperative.

    Soon, Lin Xiaocha was finished again.

    Zhang Shan drove a nanny car to pick up Lin Xiaocha on the set. Every time he went to pick her up from the crew or the show crew, he seemed to see a similar scene.

    The cast and staff of the crew all surrounded Lin Xiaocha, with her as the center point, everyone told their sadness, especially the female compatriots, they almost hugged and cried.

    Oh, no, Zhang Shan saw some actresses have red eyes and even wiped away tears.

    Although there are many older artists in this crew, and they don't like the Internet anymore, they still know that Lin Xiaocha likes to eat local specialties.

    Before leaving, everyone spontaneously gave Lin Xiaocha a lot of delicious food, which was considered reciprocity.

    Seeing this, Zhang Shan once again sighed at the good popularity of his artists.

    Lin Xiaocha even turned back three steps and waved goodbye to everyone, her hand was about to break.

    Just when she was about to get into the car, Director Li suddenly stopped her: "Xiaocha, wait a minute!"

    Lin Xiaocha suddenly stopped and turned to look at Director Li: "?"

    Director Li unscrewed his thermal insulation He opened the lid of the cup and took a sip of tea. He was still full of thoughts, smashed his mouth, and said slowly: "Little tea, that, just the tea from your hometown that you drink every day, when will you give me some more?"

    He said Well, compared to his own thermos cup, all he had left.

    Lin Xiaocha twitched the corner of her mouth when she heard the words. She didn't have much tea leaves from Chashan now. After all, things are vaguely expensive.

    Director Li saw her tangled face, he cleared his throat quickly, and explained, "I can buy it at a high price, don't worry, I won't let you post it backwards."

(MTL)Waste beauties become popular in the entertainment industry with green teaWhere stories live. Discover now