Chapter One Hundred

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Chapter One Hundred Green Tea Tea One Hundred Days

    【Beauty Crit! ]

    [Lin Xiaocha is the best tonight, no matter her face, figure or temperament, she definitely kills the audience in seconds! ]

    [I bet a bag of tea eggs, the biggest winner on the red carpet tonight is definitely Lin Xiaocha, I will argue with you]

    [LS, you are too absolute, this red carpet has not started halfway yet, many female stars are Didn't make an appearance, is it the best now? It's too early. 】

    【Do you still want to comment? Lin Xiaochaguang's face can be instantly killed, okay? The entertainment industry's face value is ceiling, no one refutes it, right? ! ]


    The live broadcast room was discussing Lin Xiaocha's outfit today, and everyone couldn't forget her stunning appearance.

    The appearance of female stars will inevitably be criticized by netizens, and even micro-expressions will not be spared.

    However, the surprise is that almost all the barrages are full of Qualin Xiaocha, and of course there are only a few sprays on her, which can be ignored.

    Lin Xiaocha's prosperous beauty and proud figure gave her a lot of points. The most important thing was the dress that looked like a Christmas tree, which was the most popular.

    In any case, it turned out that her efforts were not wasted.

    [Did no one pick up Lin Xiaocha's dress? I haven't seen her studio announced, which big name is this? ]

    [Squatting on a brand, this style is really good-looking, low-key, luxurious and extravagant, I'm going to buy one and wear it at the company's annual meeting next month]

    [+1, Lin Xiaocha's overall shape and makeup are also amazing, kindhearted water Ah, do any beauty bloggers post fake makeup? ]


    In front of the camera, Lin Xiaocha patiently listened to the reminder of the hostess. She signed on the background board and took pictures together. Then she pulled up her suitcase and continued the second half of the red carpet. road.

    Lin Xiaocha already had experience with this red carpet, and she walked much faster than before.

    Just as she had just taken a few steps, the green tea system stood out and spoke.

    System: [Bao, let me tell you something good or bad, do you want to hear it? 】

    Lin Xiaocha was stunned, thinking it was about her parents, she quickly said: "Xiaolu, if you have something to say, can you say it directly, don't hide it like this every time, hurry up and say it!" The

    system: [Okay, Little Green got it. At the awards ceremony you are attending, the heroine Lu Manman will also participate. She has a drama nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Award. 】

    Lin Xiaocha: "?"

    Now that she and the heroine have no interaction, why did she suddenly meet again?

    Lin Xiaocha frowned and asked suspiciously, "Why do I remember that in the novel, there is a story about the heroine going to the awards ceremony, isn't this event?" In

    the original book, the heroine was invited to participate in the nomination of supporting actress. The award ceremony is indeed not the name of this party. The dress Lu Manman prepared in advance was also destroyed by the opponent bribing the people around him.

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